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how can I change my password? - Printable Version

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how can I change my password? - Rich - 03-11-2014 10:53 PM

- Devon - 03-11-2014 11:00 PM

For what?

- Rahul - 03-11-2014 11:05 PM

depends, where you want to change the password..?? Facebook, gmail, yahoo, or your smartphone or PC. If you want to change password of any website (including e-mail clients, social networks) simply go to settings>general/security>password. You can see an edit option. Enter your current password and repeat new, and you are done!
In PC go to settings/control panel>user account>change password. Change it.
However in any other case you need to clarify the question...

- Mojó - 03-11-2014 11:07 PM

Which password?- If your referring to Yahoo, you have to enter your profile> wrench icon in the upper right> enter existing password> Account settings> and click the change password link> Enter new password> Click Save. There really is no reason to be alarmed IF you don't enter more info then required, Yahoo is not even aware of my actual DOB (although they require it be entered- its close enough though). YOU UNWITTINGLY GAVE ME ENOUGH INFORMATION IN YOUR SCREEN NAME ALONE FOR ME TO DETERMINE YOUR MALE. Not only am I a total stranger, I'm one you cannot see. If you plan to do transactions on the internet where you have to divulge personal information- IT'S YOUR OBLIGATION TO TAKE THE TIME TO LEARN HOW TO BE SECURE ONLINE. The use of STRONG passwords is one idea I strongly suggest and its also smart to update passwords occasionally. I use passwords such as U#n*1"d^>2eI&e+i<o (18 digits is overkill- 12 is sufficient). Of course your not going to remember this type of password, but with a password manager (many freeware password managers available- research them), you only need to remember one password to get into the password manager for your all your passwords. Thieves can only steal whats available for them to steal, DON'T PROVIDE THEM THE OPPORTUNITY.

- AZG - 03-11-2014 11:12 PM

Type the new one