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Can anyone help me get to propose to my girlfriend at a One Direction concert? - Printable Version

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Can anyone help me get to propose to my girlfriend at a One Direction concert? - Jordan Herring - 03-12-2014 02:57 AM

I love this girl so much and I want my proposal to her to be something that she remembers for the rest of her life! I already surprised her with tickets for Christmas, but I want it to be even better by proposing at the concert! I already sent letters to their fan mail and to the owned of the stadium, but I was wondering if anyone has any other ideas or hookups to help me?! I even created a Facebook page, if you could like and share it, that'd be awesome! Thanks again everyone!

- tootall1121 - 03-12-2014 03:10 AM

IF you're at a one direction concert, at least one of you is too young to even consider marriage. Forget it. At least wait until after the show. She'll be creaming her jeans about the idiots on stage, not you.

- 1849 - 03-12-2014 03:12 AM

play her some Hank Williams , Loretta Lynn and Ernest Tubb