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Should I message her on facebook? - Printable Version

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Should I message her on facebook? - Wizdom - 03-12-2014 02:17 PM

Should I message her on facebook?
I met this girl that my aunt (friend of my mom, family friend) is related to. She came from Europe to visit USA. The few times I saw her we talked here and there. One of those few times her and I actually spoke for hours about each other and what not. That night I asked her if she's on Facebook and she replied (I am but I don't really use it much).

The day before she left to go back to Europe where she lives, she came over my house because my parents invited them to. My cousin actually got her email address and her Facebook from her to stay in touch. I got her email address from my cousin and emailed her two days after she went back. I introduced my self on the email and asked if she got back safe. I didn't get any response/reply from the email I sent her yet (its been over 2 weeks). Now I was thinking I could send her a message on Facebook and ask if she received my email. Would that be a good idea? any advice? suggestions? opinion?

Few days after she went back, my cousin added her on Facebook which she accepted 3 days later. I'm thinking maybe she checked her Facebook and didn't check her email yet..or maybe the email I sent went to Spam and she never saw it or she didn't recognize my email address and just overlooked it or deleted the email I sent...or she saw it and decided not to reply..could be any of those options..I hate assuming so I wanted to message her on Facebook and ask her if she received my email..but is that too desperate? My intention wasn't to try to get with her...I emailed thinking we could talk as friends and get to know each other...her and I had a lot to talk about that one night where we talked..had a lot in common..and she spoke to me as well..wasn't just me what you think?

- Olivia - 03-12-2014 02:21 PM

Yes, I strongly suggest that you message her, asking if she received your email. Lots of people don't check their emails because most of the emails that come in are advertisements, ect. Facebook is a lot faster. I don't have much advice or opinion concerning your matter, because if you guys are meant to be, it will flow. But, it will only flow if you contact her, so get off your sexy butt and message her! (: