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Will someone please give me a few tips on using Facebook? - Printable Version

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Will someone please give me a few tips on using Facebook? - Sister123 - 03-12-2014 02:51 PM

I've been posting a few things, but when I "like" something, does it automatically appear on my Facebook page. I have just had a name brand that I did not "Like" post to my Facebook about 10 times in one day. Why did that happen? Is there a difference between my page and my wall?
If I post something, does it land on my friends walls?
And anything else you can tell me.

Thanking you in advance,


- Cara Smith - 03-12-2014 03:00 PM

If you like a page, it'll appear on your wall. If something you didn't 'like' appears on your wall, it may be something a friend sent to you, or an advertisement. However, if it appears on your HOMEPAGE, which is different from your wall, that just means some other people you're friends with liked the page.

Anything you post won't appear directly on your friends' walls, but it will show up in their newsfeed, which is shown on the home page.

That's basically the difference between the two: the homepage is just a feed of everything going on with all of your friends, and your wall is limited to things YOU post and things your friends sent to you personally.

Any other questions? Hope I was of some assistance.