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Would he be considered a stalker? - Printable Version

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Would he be considered a stalker? - Diana - 03-12-2014 05:14 PM

I came to realize that my ex-boyfriend is obsessed with the idea that if he can't have no one will. We broke up almost a year ago. And six months ago I started dating someone who I now love very much.

After breaking up with my ex, he left to live with his mom, but came back to break in while I had company and demanding that person to leave. I moved out since, ten miles away. While I was walking my dog, I ran into my ex boyfriend at the parking lot. He followed me there. He sends e-mails to my current boyfriend telling him that I am going to leave him for someone else. Sent him a screenshot of one of the conversations I had with one of my facebook friends. I don't know how he has access to my account.

I am still good friends with my ex's sister, and through her phone. got a hold of my new phone number (now disconnected).

His actions are creating problems in my relationship. How can I stop him?

- qhgirl_2000 - 03-12-2014 05:17 PM

Yes.. I would consider him to be a stalker. Unless you haven't been clear with him that you are "over and want no contact", what he is doing clearly crosses the line. Here are a few things you should do.

1. Change your facebook password.. and while you're at it change any other passwords to bank accounts.. and any other sites. You don't know what he has access to right now.

2. You may have to cut ties with the sister. It is likely that she provided him your number. She may be a friend, but he has definitely shown that he has a poor understanding of normal boundaries and she may feel she has a duty to her brother over you.

3. If you haven't done so, you need to clearly tell him that you are uncomfortable with the contact and that you have no interest in getting back together with him. Tell him if he continues this harassment of yourself and others you know that you will go to the police and take legal action against him. Do not confront him in person..

4. You may want to enlist the aid of his mother. Maybe she can get through to him that what he is doing will certainly NOT result in you getting back together and that he is crossing lines that should not be crossed.

It's not fair but if this type of harassment continues or gets worse, you may have to consider more drastic relocation measures to avoid him. Hopefully the above steps will make him back off though.

- Owen - 03-12-2014 05:22 PM

He's a fucking stalker allright