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Does Obama support Freedom Liberties more than Republicans do? - Printable Version

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Does Obama support Freedom Liberties more than Republicans do? - Montana - 03-12-2014 06:12 PM

Both parties support Big Government Control republicans are against social freedoms and democrats are against economic freedoms but at least dems don't go around calling themselves freedom patriots

1.Republicans want to ban Gay Marriage
2.Republicans want to ban Abortion
3.Republicans want to ban Marijuana
4.Republicans want to ban Escort Services

- Jack - 03-12-2014 06:18 PM

Escort services? LOL What does that interfere with your career choice?

- 0Bama Hawaii - 03-12-2014 06:19 PM

No. He doesn't.

- Mark F - 03-12-2014 06:36 PM

I find that Republican's support of liberty pretty much stops after guns and letting business do anything it wants.

Granted, I am a free-market Libertarian so I am sympathetic to both, put I am also in favor of legal abortion, gay marriage rights, drug legalization, legalized prostitution, etc, etc, etc,...

- Turtle - 03-12-2014 06:51 PM

Liberty and freedom can be found everywhere. The difference is how far down in the premises you choose to go to find your freedom is not really freedom.

A prisoner that is free to eat dinner or not eat dinner is free that way, but he is in a prison. A taxpayer that is free to go on welfare but not free to not pay for welfare is free on that level. A person alone on a desert island is pretty much truly free as no human can interfere with him on any level. In every day life, most people are not free-follow the premises downward and eventually you are staring into the barrel of a gun. As Mao once put it, "political power grows through the barrel of a gun".

- IceT - 03-12-2014 07:06 PM

He does?! I think that O'Bama and the Democrat party are against freedoms and choice!

I don't want to ban gay marriage I just want it called something other than marriage.

I don't want to ban abortion I just wish people wouldn't use it as birth control! 1 million children are killed by abortion each year! 3,000 children a year are killed by guns!

I don't want to ban marijuana but it should be regulated and taxed like tobacco.

If O'Bama and Democrats are for freedom and choice why is it that they are against giving people vouchers so they can send their kids to the school they want?! He can afford to send his kids to any school he wants why won't he let everyone have the same freedom?!

If O'Bama and Democrats are for freedom and choice why is it that BFD O'Bamacare tells people what health insurance they have to carry?! That doesn't seem like freedom to me!

If O'Bama and Democrats are for freedom why is it that they used the IRS to take away the rights of their opponents which silenced them during an election! This is something a dictator would do!

- McNamara - 03-12-2014 07:12 PM

No. Obama supports none of the freedoms necessary to make an independent honest living.

- The Taxpayer - 03-12-2014 07:28 PM

Democrats are against:
1. Freedom of religion
2. Freedom of speech
3. Support Seizure/confiscation of property