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Hackers threatening facebook? - Printable Version

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Hackers threatening facebook? - Lauren L - 03-12-2014 07:05 PM

Even if they do destroy it? Like why would it matter,
1, there are tons of sites for people to talk to each other and play online.
2, some people who go on facebook should get a life, not everyone I know but it makes people lazy, so what exactly is so bad if facebook did shut down?

- O - 03-12-2014 07:18 PM


- 228 - 03-12-2014 07:30 PM

Personally if Face Book was destroyed it wouldn't bother me at all. But I hate hackers and I think they should all get 10 to 20 years jail time.
Also I think of all these people that depend on Face Book as their only past time.
I would really feel sad for them. I am retired disabled myself. Though I do other things beside Face Book. I do computer Repair and spend a lot of time on here trying to help people with their computer problems. A lot of the older people don't have anything else to do. Maybe all will turn out well. I sure hope so.

- Ken - 03-12-2014 07:41 PM

"The programmer subculture of hackers disassociates from the mass media's pejorative use of the word 'hacker' referring to computer security, and usually prefer the term 'cracker' for that meaning. "

"Members of the media sometimes seem unaware of the distinction, grouping legitimate "hackers" such as Linus Torvalds and Steve Wozniak along with criminal "crackers"."

"Others prefer to follow common popular usage, arguing that the positive form is confusing and unlikely to become widespread in the general public. A minority still stubbornly use the term in both original senses despite the controversy, leaving context to clarify (or leave ambiguous) which meaning is intended. It is noteworthy, however, that the positive definition of hacker was widely used as the predominant form for many years before the negative definition was popularized. "Hacker" can therefore be seen as a shibboleth, identifying those who use the technically-oriented sense (as opposed to the exclusively intrusion-oriented sense) as members of the computing community."

So you are wondering if the loss of Facebook would have a major impact, then yes. Many businesses are now providing links for it, since it is a great platform for marketing.
It can also be considered a instant visual email client that does not require a seperate email client such as the defunct Outlook Express. It has so many features that I only provided a single example

Thus you are referring to "crackers" that attempt to break security, and "phreakers" do teleco/cell...