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does this mean my bf will cheat on me? - Printable Version

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does this mean my bf will cheat on me? - :) - 03-12-2014 08:36 PM

Well he will comment on girls pictures and be like "you look good" or "the guy who gets you will be soo lucky! You are very pretty" and this morning my sister was along "to be honest" on Facebook, and he liked her tbh so she said on his timeline "you are cool and funny, you and my sister are a cute couple" and it was gone a few minutes later so he most have deleted it. Why Would he do that? Maybe he don't want ppl to know where together? He said he didn't delete but obviously he is lying.

- Sara ♥ - 03-12-2014 08:47 PM

He sounds like trouble. There's no need for him to comment on other people photos like that.

- Ole - 03-12-2014 08:50 PM

He wants attention mostly. And to sleep with girls.

- Jenna - 03-12-2014 08:55 PM

Dump him somethings up! He obviously wants to be single.

- April - 03-12-2014 09:11 PM

He doesn't want other people to see it and he lied. You guys better have a serious talk.

- Ez2Tock2 - 03-12-2014 09:25 PM

This happened to me 3 times with my last 3 girlfriends. Before it ever happened, I had already concluded what I would do (Not "IF" it happens... "WHEN" it happens).
In my past, 3 of my girlfriends cheated on me and told me on their own about 3 months after the incident. When they finished, they each asked if I was mad. I wasn't, so I said "No, but I now have a "Get Out Of Jail Free Card". They asked "Whats that?"
I told them "If I ever cheat on you or make a mistake, YOU CANNOT say anything to me about it." They all said the same thing. "That's NOT Fair". I just replied. "And YOU Cheating Was?". End of story.

When we first got together, they all asked me "If I would ever cheat on them?" The Right answer is "No Honey I would never do that to you… I love you." Thats the RIGHT answer. The Truth is "YES I WOULD." They were all Shocked. I explained to them; "That if Miss America was in town and we met and She Just Had Too Have SEX With Me… I'm going for it. I will gladly pay the price later, but things like that NEVER happen to me, so I'm NOT passing up a fluke opportunity like that." I explained to them that they would also Cheat On Me. They all said "NO I WOULD'NT. I don't cheat when I'm in a Relationship with someone."
I gave them this example: One day You maybe mad at me, Drunk, Dared, Stupid, Horny, Lonely or be approached by a Smooth Operator. Someone who knows, how to pick up women and gain their cooperation. These things happen. Cheating happens. We are Human Beings and can give into Curiosity,Temptation and/or Stupidity.
It's good that we talk about this so if it ever happens, WE KNEW it was possible. Then we will talk again.
So, What Do You Do Now??
Personally, if I still want her, I'd Claim the Card, NOT ASK!! Tell her YOU have ONE.

I recommend you do the same, so when it does, you already know what to do and the pain won't be as intense, cuz your Heart knew of the possibility.

- Manny - 03-12-2014 09:36 PM

I think he's trying to keep his options open if something doesn't work out between you and him. He's commenting on other girls' photos so that they might start liking him eventually if he wants them. Also, he probably deleted your sister's post because he doesn't want those girls to see that he's dating someone. I would probably just dump him. He is only in it for his own personal gain and will end up hurting you eventually.