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Whats going on in my Ex's head? pls help!? - Printable Version

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Whats going on in my Ex's head? pls help!? - Aliciahi5 - 03-13-2014 01:11 AM

well my ex and i dated for one year, im his first girlfriend. Im 21 and hes 20. He left me cuz he said he lost feelings and assured me that there wont be another chance. This was late july. We spoke a few times after the break up but we havent spoke for about 3 months...untill now!

this is what has been going on:

-he created a fake myspace page and said he lives in my town (which he doesnt and he doesnt know anyone from here except me)

-calls my house on private every now and then (i checked in with the phone company and yes it was from him)

-he created a facebook cuz i had one... then i deleted him off facebook and he readded me on xmas eve.

-he messaged me on xmas eve saying merry xmas and send me 4 kisses. I wrote you too and he never wrote anything back. kisses? wtf?

-hes making his best friend message me and asking me random question about what im doing.

and a few days ago he wrote a status on facebook (which he never did before) and said he has good ideas for the future, i mean that could mean a variety of things, idk..

so id like the males to answer this question...why is he doing all of this? very confused, help?
LOL i love how i simply asked for males to answer and i got nothing but females! lol sorry but the male brain is different from a woman. Thats why i suggest guys to answer..

- Monica Mellish - 03-13-2014 01:21 AM

You both are nut cases because he is playing you like a fiddle and you keep dancing to his tune. Your choice if that turns you on.

- Susan - 03-13-2014 01:36 AM

You don't need a male to answer your question. This young man is playing games and besides it being juvenile, he thinks you are stupid. Think about it. Take him at his word. He said it was over and that is good for you. Believe me, you don't need foolish mind games.

- Busy - 03-13-2014 01:49 AM

he doesn't respect you. You're just a play thing for whenever he's bored. I learnt the hard way with an ex-boyfriend who was like that.

- Kizza - 03-13-2014 01:56 AM

Facebook, myspace, txting........this is kids stuff.

- M. - 03-13-2014 02:08 AM

There was a good article online about this kind of behavior. I saw it a few months ago. If I can find it, I'll post a link.

It's not healthy behavior.

I'm a male, with a male brain.

- Patricia - 03-13-2014 02:16 AM

Because he's emotionally 12