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Is there anything good about not fitting in? :(? - Printable Version

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Is there anything good about not fitting in? :(? - Emily<3Jason - 03-13-2014 03:44 AM

Ok so, I've pretty much never fit in, in groups of people who I would've liked to be part of. I made my peace with that long ago. But now, I am 24, grown up and mature, and had the opportunity to go for an internship abroad and had it rubbed in that I don't fit in. I did meet a couple of friends like myself and they are just like me, not party animals, their idea of fun is not just drinking till they're sloshed, they're not considered the most fun people to hang out with but have substance to them.

It still affected me that it didnt make a difference to most people whether I was around or not. I felt invisible and unwanted. I see their facebook posts all the time, expressing their love for one another, them tagging each other everywhere and I dont even matter to most of them. It just makes me feel like I am not good enough, earlier i thought i am not pretty enough and stuff like that but I am confident that its not looks, because a lot of people think I am. I am smart but cant really participate in conversations involving this boy invited me to that party, how desirable I am among the boys, etc.

Boys do fall for me, but the types who want a serious relationship, but not the ones they want to hang out with or just go out with, which i should feel happy about but i just dont. Sad

I tried very hard to see a bright side to this, I've always wanted to be the best but its such a shame that I cant even match up to others, forget being the best. Do you think there is something good about this? I need to make my peace with this.

- LP7 - 03-13-2014 03:47 AM

Possibly an "age" factor. Might seem more difficult in your twenties to find a middle ground with how,who and where you want to be.You may perhaps find older company easier particularly in discussions about world issues,economics,society in general.Whatever your interests, hobbies continue with those by attending lectures,visiting exhibitions, seminars,even food/music festivals etc.You will meet great people in all of these places. So don't hold out at home for too long.Keep interested and curious about the world and petty mundane issue will be minor.Even though you are 24years old, there is still a lot of experience and reassessment of values ahead of you.Travel,partnership,children,career.All these things will force you to continually re-define who you are and your relationship to the world.

- The Rookie - 03-13-2014 03:50 AM

In the words of Shakespeare : " There is nothing good nor bad about anything. It is the thinking that makes it so. "
No matter how good of a person you are, there will always be someone criticizing you.
Keep smiling. Life will get tired of upsetting you.
Friendship isn't about whom you know the longest ...... it is about who came and never left your side.
At some point in time, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart, but not in your life.

Stop wasting your time on people who don't deserve your attention.
Believe it, time spent on people who cares about you is priceless.
In life, we never lose friends, we only learn who the true ones are.
" If you make friend with yourself you will never be alone. "

There are no limits to what you can accomplish except the limits you place on your own thinking.

Be confident !
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams ! Live the life you have imagined.
Dance as though no one is watching you. Love as though you have never been hurt before.
Sing as though no one can hear you. Live as though heaven is on earth.
Never, never, never give up !

Life is not about finding yourself. It is about creating yourself.

- Kumiko - 03-13-2014 03:53 AM


- ahe79 - 03-13-2014 03:57 AM

From a line in a song... It's not fitting in that will help to begin to show you your beauty.

Don't allow yourself to be victimized by these artificial societal "norms." There is so much more to you than you'll have the time to figure out in this lifetime. From time to time you will revisit your question, just try to keep it a short stay by reminding yourself of the uniqueness of you. Facebook is a pseudo life. People waste their REAL life following and contributing to something unnatural. We are meant to be social creatures, but despite the pics and comments and "likes," it is still a silly attempt at relationship building. I cancelled my account last summer. All I could see was sad people trying to prove to themselves and the world how happy they are. I know people who appear online to have an idyllic life and perfect relationship and go on and on about how special it is, when the night before they got into a physical fight. Be glad you have the disposition to resist mediocrity.