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My husband molested my 12 yr old daughter help!!!? - Printable Version

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My husband molested my 12 yr old daughter help!!!? - blessedWomen - 03-13-2014 03:47 AM

I just found out my husband of 4 years has been molesting my 12 year old daughter for a month. He has been going into her room almost every night getting in bed with her under the covers wearing only boxers and watching her, possibly video taping her and touched her bottom. She told me today and I called the police and got a temp restraining order. We also have 2 toddlers together. Hoe could he do this. Im so sick to my stomach. Im afraid to be at home for the safety of me and my kids since he knows where we live. I need some ones advise. Im filing divorce asap. I don't ever want to see him again. I don't want my 2 small kids around him ever! of course he denies it. The police are doing an investigation but im afraid he wont be charged, I believe my daughter 100 percent. Im will never be one of the moms who calls her daughter a liar and stays with the guy, fuck that~

- Poppet - 03-13-2014 03:50 AM

It seems you are taking all the appropriate steps to see this doesn't continue to happen. Perhaps ask your daughter if she'd like to talk to someone about it. (psychologist)

- Averi Bluth - 03-13-2014 04:03 AM

Lots of respect for you. I can see why you are scare but I don't think that he would hurt your family especially because he knows he is the one in the wrong. If he does anything to hurt you guys he will be charged especially if you have a restraining order. I would definitely go to court and get primary custody of your 2 kids. Sorry that I am not helping very much but, I respect what you are doing for your daughter.

- Deelishus S - 03-13-2014 04:09 AM

my heart goes out to you...... i pray they put His *** under the jail God bless

- Mike - 03-13-2014 04:17 AM

get a RESTRAINING ORDER to keep him away while you file for divorce and FULL custody.

- Pams - 03-13-2014 04:22 AM

i'm so sorry for you dear.
You are doing the right thing.
Try some counselling with your daughter.

- pragmatism_rules - 03-13-2014 04:30 AM

The others have given you good advice EXCEPT for counseling. Do not do this until after your ex-husband has been convicted. The reason is that your counseling records and that of your daughter could be subpoenaed by your ex's lawyer...and you don't want that, trust me, you don't!

There is something you should know...certain perverted, pedophile men deliberately look for single mothers to marry and/or get involved with. These men are absolutely wonderful with the woman...promising her everything and doing everything for her. They even appear to make excellent parents! The problem is that they have zero interest in the woman...they want access to her children! And that is quite possible what has been done here. Hopefully the police will check into his background to see if he has done this before.

Now to your personal safety, put in an alarm system...and not one that is tied to the phone line (in case it is cut). Move, if possible, and if not, replace the locks on all the windows and doors....and to your car too if possible! Don't give the alarm codes to any of the kids so they can't let your ex in. Change all phone numbers, email addresses and other internet accounts. And make sure that your daughter changes all her social media AND makes them very secure so your ex-husband can't get at her when you aren't around. And of course, have your car checked for a gps tracking device AND your computer for software/hardware keylogging devices.

I am sorry that this has happened to you and your daughter. Your daughter is lucky that you believe her...many women would have chosen their husband over her child. Good luck and God bless!

- curious1 - 03-13-2014 04:37 AM

Sounds like you are doing everything right.

Just make sure you give your daughter plenty of praise now and love she is the one most in need. I know its upsetting for you, but just imagine the multitude of emotions she is going through. Tell her how proud you are of her for speaking up and how brave she is, and tell her over and over again. If she needs some counselling get it for her. Dont EVER let her feel guilt for the marriage ending. Do everything in your power to make her feel secure and loved and that she has done the right thing so you dont have an adult daughter later on who has huge issues with men and with you!

Be strong and good luck.... you can do this, and you will show your daughter through your actions what the right path is too.

- Shaeeck - 03-13-2014 04:46 AM

Change your locks, and notify neighbours that he is not to be near the house so they can call police if he is near the house. Bravo for standing up for your daughter.

- rlc_60504 - 03-13-2014 04:52 AM

I really feel sorry for you. If he has been video taping these activities and you know which device he used to do the taping, there may be 'evidence' somewhere. I just talked to a police officer a couple of months ago that told me that when something is erased, it can still often be recovered by a good electronic forensics person.