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How do I create some much needed distance between myself and my close guy friend? - Printable Version

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How do I create some much needed distance between myself and my close guy friend? - Pepper - 03-13-2014 04:20 AM

I have a close guy friend who I've known only for 6 months, but in that time we have gotten very close. Recently, people have been noticing how close we are and are beginning to vocalize how they think we would make a good couple. I did not have feelings for him until people started planting the seed in my head...and I began to think, yes, maybe I had feelings for him that were more than platonic. In the past I've been his wing man, and I've even tried to hook him up with some of my girlfriends, although, they never worked out. A mutual friend of ours recently decided to set him up on a blind date with another girl, and I couldn't help but be very jealous. This girl is different and I feel they are quite compatible. He is interested in pursuing whatever potential relationship is there. I am ok with that except, no that I have feelings for him, I want to protect myself from getting hurt. So, I want to create some distance between us but I don't want to completely remove him from my life, which would be difficult anyways since we work together.

I need advice on how I can distance myself, create some healthy space between us. Normally, we text, email, and communicate through several social media outlets throughout the day, and we physically joke around a lot. How can I pull back without making things obvious and awkward?

- monkey mask - 03-13-2014 04:31 AM

Tell him you're gay