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What code should i learn to make my website? - Printable Version

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What code should i learn to make my website? - Dominic - 03-13-2014 02:41 PM

Hi, i'm planning to make a website, nothing big like Facebook or google. Just to experiment, a once in a lifetime thing you know?
Anyway i want the website to have a log in and sign up section and uses to upload music, like youtube. I currently finished learning html and i know i need to learn JavaScript to make it more fancy and stuff.
I just want to know what code i should learn? like css, php or python? Thank you so much and could you tell me how to buy the website and whatever, thank you!!
10 points to the best answer.
What if i wanted to make the website fancy?

- mdigitale - 03-13-2014 02:52 PM

For a bare bones (non-fancy site) you will need to use your html and at least one server side scripting language like php. Also, you will want to look at a database technology like mysql (free, accessible via php) to manage data from your users, settings, etc.

Good luck.

- ☕JavaME☕ - 03-13-2014 03:07 PM

Client side:
HTML - Designing the structure of the Web Page.
     (How the website basically looks)
CSS - Managing the styles
     (Making the website more "fancy looking")
JS -  Adding the dynamics to the Web Page
     (What happens when you click/edit something, etc...)

Server side:
PHP - Used to make the Web Page interact with the server
      (Log in/Sign in/Upload/Download)
SQL - Used for managing Data Bases (Like user data base)

If you want to Sign in/Log in/Upload, then you would have to use PHP and SQL.
You need PHP to make Sign in/Log in system and for uploading the files to the server
And you need SQL to manage the user data base.

- jon h - 03-13-2014 03:22 PM

Learn a framework, specifically a PHP one. That is all free to do. It just takes time and effort. JavaScript is not to make fancy, that is what you already learned with HTML/CSS I hope. Javascript is used to handle events. If you want it fancy, then just learn CSS. All the rest is back-end stuff, only concerned with how it works and not how it looks.