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Hotel & Boss advice needed? - Printable Version

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Hotel & Boss advice needed? - Jessi - 03-13-2014 06:06 PM

I work for a small local owned hotel. My bosses who are the owners are 73 & 75. He was a politician for numerous years so, and he is a hypochondriac and doesn't like change. Neither are business people.
So this is a hotel. I have lots & lots of ideas that can help increase revenue & occupancy. However, My boss thinks everyone is out to get him when there is a bad trip advisor review (screaming, yelling @ employees - calling the trip advisor reviewer a liar...) So with my many idea even some that will cost absolutely nothing and some that are cheap ways that would indeed increase revenue & occupancy even if by just 1% he won't do it, and wants to keep everything exactly the same as it has been for 26 years.

How do you get someone like this to let you do their idea? & yes I've been here 3 years & been looking for a new job since day 1 being I didn't go to college for this. Any ideas on online based FREE advertising? I already do all the social media sites, web page, mobile web page, military based social media ad sites.) I'm tired of hearing him say how they are max on their budget but won't change anything that will increase revenue & occupancy. If Occupancy & revenue increase then it will not only help them pay bills, but give employees hours.

Some things yes I can sneak by and not tell them about if it is online involved. But even something as simple as having a snack vending machine where the initial purchase cost would be able to make it up within 18months or less he refuses to do.
I'm limited and I'm tired of it. If I could get them out of here and be able to have 2 weeks to do changes- I would be able to increase things. but they won't leave as the second he runs back into the office and sees one thing out of place (even one brochure tilted) he flips out.

HELP. Any Advice?
* I want advice from ADULTS not children, and those with life experience. Not someone who doesn't work. If you know a hotel forum let me know. Serious responses please.

- TRish - 03-13-2014 06:22 PM

How do you get someone like this to let you do their idea? Realistically, you probably don't.

I think you can reduce your stress level by doing both of these things:

First, realize and TRY (I know it's hard, but really try) to accept the fact that the owners' hearts are not in "building" or "growing" this business. Perhaps the hotel was their pride and joy for a good chunk of their lives, but they, and therefore the business, are now in the process of winding down. At the ages of 73 and 75, the majority of people in their generation are retired; many are dead. Basically, the hotel is now their hobby to keep them from getting bored in retirement. They would probably reduce their own stress levels if they would admit this to themselves, but they apparently haven't. That doesn't mean YOU can't admit it to yourself: You are employed to keep an elderly couple's hobby going. Maybe increasing occupancy isn't so very important, when you look on it that way. As long as you keep working in your current position, I believe you should focus on keeping things the way the old folks like them.

The other thing I would suggest is that you look on this as an opportunity to learn how NOT to run a hotel, knowledge which will probably serve you better in your next job than it ever will in this one. Start a notebook, and every time a boneheaded decision by the boss drives you up the wall, instead of getting into an argument, put your energy into writing down what the decision was, why you think it was wrong, and what you would have done instead if it had been up to you.

Let me make a third suggestion, too: Consider whether there is any possibility of your purchasing this hotel from the owners, or eventually going off and starting your own. I know that's not cheap, and it's not easy, but at least think about it. It sounds as if your heart is in the future of this hotel. The owners' hearts are in its past. And realistically, the hotel is probably not going to outlive them, if things continue as they are.

- kawsar elahee - 03-13-2014 06:31 PM

Old people raise resistance to change. They don't warmly receive new ideas or technology. So you have to realize that. Moreover, they are the owner and don't want to increase revenue by implementing new ideas. So why do you bother? Why are you getting tired? You don't need to do that. You just keep doing what they want or leave the job.