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Apparently Clare Balding is being targeted for going to the Sochi Olympics. Should she have gone? - Printable Version

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Apparently Clare Balding is being targeted for going to the Sochi Olympics. Should she have gone? - Alana C - 03-13-2014 10:41 PM

- Andi C - 03-13-2014 10:47 PM

Being present and visible makes a stronger statement than being absent and invisible! As an out lesbian I fully support her stance.

- Wessex - 03-13-2014 11:03 PM

Not going would have achieved absolutely nothing.......

Agree with Andi.....

@ is the "not going" that would have been a protest and would not have achieved anything..........

The "going" may or may not be a protest.........I have no view on that, and I never claimed to have either......

Not sure what you are trying to suggest of my answer...?

I suspect you've gotten a little worries happens to the best of us....!

- Jack H - 03-13-2014 11:19 PM

It's a bit ironic, "THEM" wanting an openly gay person to stay away...

By "THEM", I mean the Twitteratti and the farcebookers by the way...

- Neil - 03-13-2014 11:26 PM

If she's openly against the anti-homo law, no she shouldn't have, if she made a point, that the Olympics are about Sports, not Politics, she should be there.

The very modern, and NAIVE reasoning: 'You make more of a statement by being there' is RUBBISH.

Because you're basically making a point to Russia/Putin, who will 'listen', 'reassure you', and then do NOTHING(because that's what a great politician does, and Putin is a SUPERSTAR Politician).

If you want to make a statement STAY AWAY(most Russians still remember the boycot from the 1980 games, and still feel bad about it, I doubt 'showing up, and protesting' will hardly an impact as deep as that one), because Putin is too good a politician to get cornered by 'reason'.

- Verulam 2 - 03-13-2014 11:33 PM

I have no idea, and don't believe very much I read (don't!!) in that rag in any case.

It might help if our Clare didn't bang on about gay rights however. I think she should have gone, to do HER JOB. That's all. I could care less where her preferences lie, but I don't need to have it mentioned every time she opens her mouth thank you. If she is being targetted because of this - perhaps she should shut up.

Add - @ Wessex. What is she 'trying to achieve'? I thought she was there as one of the presenters?

- 279 - 03-13-2014 11:43 PM

I'm trying to put myself in her situation. I'm not gay, so I can't do that. However, I have nothing against gays. I am an Atheist. If a President (Putin, or any other) were to speak out against Atheists, I wouldn't go anywhere near them, for any reason. It's hard enough being an Atheist in the US. We are the most hated people in America. I love my country, wouldn't wanna live anywhere else, but there is lots of room for improvement. No, if Clare Balding really cares about her cause, I don't think she should have went to Russia. She could have made a stand for gays by refusing to go.

- Daniel - 03-13-2014 11:59 PM

I'm sick of hearing about how we should all boycott these games because of the host nations political views. It's like everybody has suddenly forgotten that Russia are ONLY the host nation, and that 88 nations from all over the world are competing, and the International Olympic Committee are FRENCH and DO NOT share Russia's views (as seen in a statement about equality in last nights opening ceremony).
Athletes from all over the world have trained for years for this; dedicated their lives to it. Russian politics, however ridiculous, shouldn't even come into it. You back your country and the athletes who have trained hard to be there. And that's that.

- Sherlock - 03-14-2014 12:08 AM

Looks like lots of words and no story to me, no doubt it was written months ago, shelved until the Mail saw an opportunity make it look like News, it's just fodder for the sheep to digest when there is nothing "tastier" about.

I doubt if Claire Balding has heard of the "targeting" never mind commented on it, she is far too intelligent to bother about such trivia, perhaps the Mail should follow her good example?

- Heraclius - 03-14-2014 12:15 AM

She can't win either way
If she didn't turn up it would probably cost her her job
On the other hand by turning up she can't carry out an open protest as it would probably cost her her job
You can't bring this topic into your job as long as your employer sits on the fence