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what is this illuminati buisness and who runs it? - Printable Version

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what is this illuminati buisness and who runs it? - PrettyYoungThang - 03-14-2014 02:20 AM

Im sick and tired of everytime a celebrity or athlete post a pic on Facebook or Instagram everyone starts commenting saying illuminati or thats a illuminati sign. What is that? Is this even a real thing or a saying or something? Its getting annoying now

- Maria Lol - 03-14-2014 02:35 AM

Okay, Illuminati, it's a crazy big deal of stuff that takes a ton to explain, and I'm the wrong person to explain it, but they're a "secret" group of people that have a lot to do with the occult and subliminal messaging, and things like that. And yes, it's very real. And scary. Freemasonry has a ton to do with them too. It's crazy what they do and if you really wanna find out more about them, check out a website called
it's about celebrities and how they're used by the Illuminati and other occult organizations. It really helped me understand what their whole deal is
I mean, you don't have to believe it if you don't want to, but it makes a lot of sense with that website. Read everything carefully, and you'll see things in a whole new way. It's everywhere.

I hope I helped!

- Stubby Phillips - 03-14-2014 02:36 AM

it's usually just conspiracy freak crap from conservatives who thinks Hollywood is immoral and destroying the US. It's a big word to sound important

- ♥Rachel♥ - 03-14-2014 02:43 AM

The illuminati doesn't exist.

- Austin Powers - 03-14-2014 02:50 AM

It's a group that controls the media and the celebrities and pays them off to promote politicians, bad politicians that are trying to get your money and trying to take over the world. If you like Miley Cyrus, and she says she supports democrats, then sheeple will vote democrat, people are stupid these days

- Agenda 21 - 03-14-2014 03:01 AM

Wars are the artificial creation of the Illuminati, a satanic cult that is extending its tentacles over the whole planet. "Muller's List" provides a glimpse at the composition of this group: bankers, industrialists, aristocrats, military, scholars, trade unionists and media.

The Illuminati pretended to be opposed to fascism. Today they pretend to build a humanist utopia, an answer to poverty, disease, prejudice and injustice. Former World Bank President James Wolfensohn had the slogan "Plutocrat for the Poor" on his web site.

The Illuminati starts wars to demoralize and destroy humanity, to consolidate power and produce huge profits and debt slavery. This cult, which has a stranglehold on thought and expression, pretty much defines realty. Our best course is to find our truth from different sources and define reality anew.