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My boyfriend is slowly trying to show me he wants to break up? - Printable Version

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My boyfriend is slowly trying to show me he wants to break up? - Louise - 03-14-2014 02:28 AM

Well my bf of 19 and i of 17, have been dating for almost two months, and everything has always been good! We don't go to the same school but we always see each other during the weekends. And this week during spring break, my parents were out of town for a few days.. so he came over. We had it all planned, and he slept in my bed, but we didn't have sex because we are both vrgins we cuddled and everything was going so good, i felt like i loved him even more.. but the next day he got calls from his mum saying he had to go back home because she needed him at work, so he left the next day in the morning, and he texted me later that day saying he couldn't be back because he still was and had to help his mum at work, and i believe him. And we usually text everyday, even it's only goodnight or goodmorning, but we text.. and the days passed and he had left friday morning , and it was sunday afternoon..and so i decided to text him then, because i thought he might take some time off and he always credit on his phone so why wouldnt he just say hi, or reply.. and i just didn't think about it, and i told myself whatever but monday i saw he posted pictures on instagram.. and one of the hashtags was holland..and i remember he wanted to go there, but so what, does that mean he can't text me? to say he's alive at least? so i went on fb, and wrote him an inbox yesterday at like 9pm and asked if he was ok/alive.. and he hasn't replied.. and i know he's been on since, because it says x hours on the chat bar.. it's reallyy upsetting me.. whether he's ignoring me or breaking up with me, he should have the guts to at least reply with i don't want to see you, or leave me alone, and i'd get it, but now my head is going crazy, and i have been crying too.. did something happen in holland, or did i do something? I don't think I did, i mean i text him back at all times, i've open up to him about crazy confidential things and so as he, and we told each other we'd be there when we needed each other.. and that our relationship was honest and not based on lies or antyhing especially since he was cheated by all his previous gf's.. I really don't know what to do.. I'm just wondering what could be going on in his head..
thank you! xx

- Anthony Davis - 03-14-2014 02:34 AM

HE'S IN HOLLAND! How is this a break up signal?

Overseas phone service gets pretty damn expensive you know? I'm surprised he is able to Instagram. When I went to London to visit my brother I couldn't talk to my girlfriend for a week, except when I bought Internet service for one night and Skyped with her.

You are overreacting. He didn't reply because he doesn't think anything is wrong, and it is possible just to see the message and not read it.

- Leanne - 03-14-2014 02:36 AM

Could be his mother has interfered, because it sounds like she realized he was with you overnight and called him back and maybe warned him about getting into a sexual relationship especially as you are younger than him.
Or maybe he realized that things were starting to get very intimate between you and having been hurt before he has suddenly pulled back, fearing getting in too deep emotionally and risking being hurt again.
Or maybe feelings have suddenly just faded, as they can do with no blame or fault, with young people.

My advice to you would be to withdraw now. He knows how to get hold of you. Its easy to feel crowded if someone is doing the chasing. If you stop contacting him, he will start to feel the presence of your absence, if that makes sense, and it will make him realize if he is missing you or not. And then if he cares he will start chasing you, fearing that you are slipping away or have even gone (just as you have been doing). If he contacts you, be cheerful and even with your mood, don't be weepy or clingy or asking lots of questions that he may not even understand the answers to himself. just be a positive person to be around. Then he can make his mind up whether he wants to be with you or not.