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How do I make my whole facebook public? - Printable Version

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How do I make my whole facebook public? - Mellz - 03-14-2014 02:45 PM

My facebook is on private at the moment.
I sometimes look at other facebook accounts and everything is on public including posts their friends have tagged them in, status etc.

How do I make it so everything is public?
I have been tagged in a post by a friend.
How do I make this public so that when someone searches my profile it shows up on the screen.

Thank you

- abraXus - 03-14-2014 02:55 PM

it depends - in order to make your activities and other items completely public you have to be at least 18

are you at least 18? if so, your audience selectors will have public as an option for you to choose from

however, tagged items are a special case - the person who posted the item you are tagged in controls the privacy settings for it, so you will not be able to make it public as you do not have control over that item