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How do you stop a cyber bulling? - Printable Version

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How do you stop a cyber bulling? - Mary - 03-14-2014 04:23 PM

Since last year I have been cyber bullied from many fans of a celebrity. They are cyber bulling me all over the web.

How do you stop this cyber bulling and personal attack stop?
How do I protect myself from their wrath?

I have left all social media face book and twitter yet it is still on going.

- Michael - 03-14-2014 04:28 PM

theres a pretty simple concept to get away from cyber bullying. its called dont use the internet

- Fred - 03-14-2014 04:30 PM

They don't all suddenly pick on one person, so you obviously did something to upset them first. so maybe you were stalking the celebrity, or were abusing them. when you think everyone is against you it normally means you have caused it, they can't all be wrong.

- Raster - 03-14-2014 04:38 PM

So if you aren't on social media then I think you already stopped it.

- Dipto C - 03-14-2014 04:45 PM

Hello Mary,

Since you have stopped all social media, what method are they using? Ignoring is your best bet! If you ignore they will think their efforts are being wasted on you. So, sooner rather than later, they are likely to stop this behaviour and switch targets (unfortunately!)

Actively, you can promote awareness of this issue! A Grade 4 girl has designed this tee shirt to contribute in her way to this. You can help add momentum by distributing this link further to your friends and others who care. You can find it at