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How do I get more people to join my facebook page with out spending any money? - Printable Version

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How do I get more people to join my facebook page with out spending any money? - Sofie - 10-15-2012 07:49 PM

I have started a facebook page to bring awareness to cancer, and cancer research and I want it to be more public that It already is, but I can't spend any money.

- Libby - 10-15-2012 07:58 PM

tell your friends to tell there friends to tell their friends and so on.
then lost of people will no about it.
also you can tell people at work or your parents work.
you can also go into corner shops and charity shops and post notices up. this is usually free

- 625278 - 10-15-2012 07:58 PM

do you mean your group you have made, or your personal account?

> get people interested!
by this i mean get a decent display picture for the group.
-update the group recently.
-post the link in forums/other sites to gain attention.

>tell people about it.
-tell your friends to add the group, that way more people will see it (join)
-put the link to your group on your facebook profile. (about me/ info/ wall etc)

>join groups
-join groups and become active in them. this way people will see you and add you.
-be nice/friendly in the group. you wont get much adds being rude.

>keep your facebook active.
this way people will see you and result in more adds.

>post your profile link on other websites.
-e.g if you have twitter post it on there etc.

- meccarose - 10-15-2012 07:58 PM

Send out a lot of friend requests. Just look at your friends friends, go from there.

- onlyforcash - 10-15-2012 07:58 PM

Easy, use tools.

download for free

just copy and paste into your address url.

download and install, add more friend and tell the world what you are doing