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Poll: Myspace or Facebook ? - Printable Version

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Poll: Myspace or Facebook ? - barbiedoll8436 - 03-14-2014 08:04 PM

I have both. But, i have more friends on myspace. Facebook is kinda more technical. Lmfao, but facebook sometimes seems easier. Don't know why.. ? Loll XD

- 023 - 03-14-2014 08:05 PM

i don't have a myspace but i think facebook is better

- 685 - 03-14-2014 08:19 PM

Try Facebook; it's safe and more convenient than Facebook

- NorthRockSEO - 03-14-2014 08:31 PM

Facebook has more of professional aesthetic to it. MySpace seems to be more for screwing around. However both are decent methods of Social Media Marketing. I enjoy Facebooks group application and the ability to publish your status in a clear manner. MySpace always seemed "cluttered" when it came to this aspect.

- 378 - 03-14-2014 08:32 PM

facebook all the way. i had both but then just stopped going on my myspace. i like the privacy, no one knows your age, location, status or anything unless they're your friend and you can control a ot of things like who can search for you and the blocking is wayy better lol Smile

- Pikachu<3 - 03-14-2014 08:45 PM

I have both a myspace and facebook too and like you I also have more friends on myspace. The reason I keep my myspace is simply to communicate with others who don't have a myspace and on the plus side I love hearing the music on people's profiles. Practically the only difference between facebook and myspace is the loading time.. facebook tends to load faster but the thing is it kind of looks dull in apperance and another bad thing about it is everything you post appears on the status venue so everyone can see what you're talking about with other people. So just keep both I guess.

- Jacob - 03-14-2014 08:56 PM
