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Boyfriend posted pictures of cheerleaders at NFL game - was I wrong? - Printable Version

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Boyfriend posted pictures of cheerleaders at NFL game - was I wrong? - 1corinth134 - 03-14-2014 11:08 PM

Quick background...For just about 2 years, I've been in a relationship that is generally healthy and happy, especially in comparison to my previous one. We never had a true "argument" for a year and a half, and we've still never argued over anything of real deep importance. We just get over stuff. This past christmas, or right before it, I was pretty bothered by a picture he posted on Facebook and I'm not sure if I was overreacting or not. It's completely possible. He got us both tickets to an NFL game by where his friend lives, and we visited him for the weekend. The night before the game I was hit hard by a nasty cold with a high fever. They took great care of me, but the next morning I still wasn't feeling well enough to go anywhere. They were both very understanding and went without me, obviously can't waste the tickets. Hours later as I'm hanging out watching tv and browsing Facebook waiting for them, I see that my boyfriend posted a picture of the cheerleaders out on the field with the caption "I guess football isn't so bad" (he's a major baseball fan and is less excited about other sports). I have to admit I was really surprised he'd put that out there, as its not characteristic of him whatsoever, especially to put it out there like that, and he's never posted much on fb anyway. At the time I was embarrassed that it was so public and that my family and friends on there would think he was a jerk who looks at other girls. He said (and it never started a fight, just a long discussion) that it was equivalent to posting a picture of a hot celebrity and "they're not even like real people" lol. He said he was sad I had missed the game, wouldn't hold it against me but would have tagged me in it if I were there. He said even his mom who is very conservative just laughed and thought no big deal, and he genuinely did not think it would bother me. i was sick, laying around, sad I missed the game, so maybe that's why it bothered me more. I finally decided I was over it but now like a month later for some reason I keep thinking about it. Was I justified or just in a dumb state of mind?? I know he loves me deeply and tries hard to show it everyday. I guess I'm just worried that it looks bad to our relationship if he has that picture on there. Not that my family and friends are creeping his page all the time, but still, lol. Ladies, guys, thoughts?? I'm not bringing it up to him again, I'm just annoyed that its still in the back of my mind lol
I was bothered because the focus was clearly on the cheerleaders and their attractiveness. They didn't just happen to be in the picture somewhere lol.

- george - 03-14-2014 11:11 PM

There is nothing wrong with that.

- Murzy - 03-14-2014 11:14 PM

even if he were in the pic with them, it's no big deal

- nicolee - 03-14-2014 11:15 PM

I totally see where your coming from with this, I would be kinda like wtf too. But like you said, you didn't argue over it, which is good, and you guys still have a nice loving relationship. So just be thankful for that Smile I would just try and ignore it as best as you can, your certainly not wrong for feeling that way, but how many people really ever randomly visit old posts on facebook. And if your family really felt something bad about it, I bet they would have just thought "oh hes just a guy." Feel better though! Try and ignore it really, think about the good things you guys do together!