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I thought he was a friend untill he made new friends.? - Printable Version

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I thought he was a friend untill he made new friends.? - Mouruto - 03-15-2014 02:28 AM

Lately it been bothering me that my ' friend' suddenly shut me out. We met 4 months ago cause we both go to college for the first year and we are in the same class. We really become close friends quickly. After school we go to my place, and I cook for him and after dinner, we go to his dorm to make homework together. We have a lot in common. We give eachother presents. I never talked about my feelings, but with him. I opened up and telled him my struggles and what happened in my life and how it affected me. I felt good cause I could talk to someone. He introduced me to many stuff he liked that I suddenly start liking it too.

But a month ago, he met new people and start talking to them and became friends with them and he decided to stop being friends with me. He ignored me, he goes hang out with his new friends after school, I'm not invited, they give each other present, he doesn't answer me texts and doesn't talk to me.

He and his new friends made a clique, they hang out every day, always together in a group. When I ask them something they blow me off. When we had to work in a group for a school project, they lie to me because they didn't want me in their group. At Christmas, they had a litle Secret Santa party. They invited their girlfriends and boyfriends and they deliberately excluded me. I tried to be their friend, everyone of them but I wasn't good enough, they were the elite. Everyone in their group are very talented and have the best grades. At New Years Eve I messenge the 'friend' happy new year and he just ignored it and I know he sent everyone he knows a 'happy new year' cause we were very close and I know that he is very thoughtful and generous. Cause he used to be that to me.

I spent nights almost crying, I hated myself for not being good enough. I wasn't smart enough, not funny enough, not good enough. He made new friends that are better than me and left me behind. And on facebook they keep putting inside jokes on their walls. I looked up to my ' friend' cause I wanted to be like him, I am still envious of him and his group. Cause they were always the group that were laughing.

I wanted to go to the group and say ' sorry for my personality'.
I'm just confused. I need answers. why someone would do that. Why would someone end a friendship. Why would someone leave someone behind or shut someone out. I don't understand at least he can be friendly and still talk to me instead act like I don't exist.

- Valkyrie - 03-15-2014 02:40 AM

He sounds quite fickle to me, and if he can easily ditch you for other people - well chances are, he'll probably do the same with them when someone 'better' comes along. I wouldn't call him a 'friend' - because real friends don't do that. On the bright side, at least you know his true self. Maybe you could consider asking him in person (that way he can't avoid you) about why he won't reply to you anymore, if he has a valid reason...fair enough, but i doubt he does. Please don't blame yourself, i can see why you might but sometimes it's them, not you. Everyone is special in their own way, and no one is talentless. Believe me Smile I think it's time that you find a new friend who will value and treat you as someone special to them, i know it's hard but just let this one go. He's not worth crying over, you can do better than that and only you can make yourself happy. *hug* There are lots of people you can meet in college. I'm in university too, so i know how you feel. Best of luck, ok? Smile

EDIT: We can never be sure why someone would do that, because we're not them. Maybe they got 'bored' as harsh as that sounds, or they just 'used' you so they won't look lonely, or many other things. Not everything has a reason, but i think it's best you ask this person as it's bothering you that much. Some people are just like that, i've met a few that react like this too. I just make better friends who i know will treat me better. Don't let it get you down :')

- thando - 03-15-2014 02:56 AM

I absolutely understand your situation: I find myself there at most times. It is thee most loneliest, most confusing position to be in and people do not seem to understand right?? That was your friend...!! He suppose to be with You!! Around You!!

Well, truth is: he is himself! As much as he is your friend. And I do believe you loved him so much and would have done almost anything to keep him happy or at your side. [I know that for a fact] you need to love him enough to let him go because love is not selfish: it gives one space to pursue whatever they desire even if that means you won't be present in that pursuit.

It Is OK...... Really, take a deep breath because it is!!

Forget about everyone else for a moment & I would like to congratulate you for managing to reach varsity!!! WelDone!!!! See your achievements: do not compare yourself upon the standards of other people: set-up your own! And keep growing!

There's nothing wrong with you: cause there's something wrong with everyone of us [I hope you get it], and also what is wrong with you will be different to what is wrong with me or anyone else.

I know you probably don't want to open up to meet other people because you had settled with your best friend.

He is not the epitome of what a friend should be and do not settle all your eggs upon him.. Spread to other baskets.

I think you also have an issue with attachment because of something personal that has or is happening inside of you... You have to reconcile yourself with whatever it might be.. See someone, psychologist or counseling.

About Facebook: why do you have as "friends" on facebook people who are really not you friends?????? Get rid of them!!! Please release them!!

Find a hobby that you like and also dedicate time to volunteer work and update people of what you're doing and how it's going.. A helping hand is always needed!

Stop sending him texts and stop focusing upon his life and his new friends... That's boring and destructive! DO YOU!!! DO YOU DO YOU!!

Lastly and most important: Trust In God!
The peace that PASSES ALL understanding.