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Crush on someone who has a boyfriend.? - Printable Version

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Crush on someone who has a boyfriend.? - Gerald - 03-15-2014 02:31 AM

Alright so, there's this girl in my class. throughout the semester i've talked to her about school and whatnot. nothing long or major. so after talking to her and connecting through social media as well, i know a little about her without asking her. (you can say thats normal now in todays world). Well anyway, i know she has a boyfriend and that they've been dating for about a year and half now and known each other from high school. Growing up i've always been an extremely nice guy (friend-zoned a lot) and i respect women, so i would never try to ruin anything they have and she knows that now and i have no problem with that(nice guy effect).
BUT, she knows i like her and before christmas break, we texted back and forth a lot once i got her number and hung out like twice. and she tells me that her boyfriend knows everything cause she tells him. but anyway. at some time over the break, i guess, i was in flirting mode or something, but she told me, "even if she didn't have a boyfriend, she wouldn't date me cause she only sees me as a friend." (FRIEND-ZONED!!). I'm not gonna lie, that hurts a little, but what was weird was that i kinda knew that all along. (i believe she's in love with this guy.) SO, its been a couple weeks since that happened, and we're still good friends, BUT my issue i guess so to speak is that i still like the girl and i cant get over that. i know the smart thing to do is try to ease up on talking to her and try to forget, but she's really fun to talk to. her personality is awesome/ i love talking to her. Really at this point in my life, i don't have much people to talk to. but in all of that, i know she cant be mine ever, and somewhere in that, it kind of hurts. so basically what I'm asking is, how do i get over her while still remaining a good friend? or someone give me something.

- 20 yrs old. were in community college. not any other girls i find an interest in so, nothing to get my mind off of her.
Im going to a university in the fall, and she's going to the rival university, so i know by then one of two things is going to happen, either we wont contact anymore/or very rarely, or we're still going to be like we are now.

i just need some advice i guess. being friend-zoned so many times takes a toll on a person. haha

- jakekes s - 03-15-2014 02:33 AM

Just leave her, she knows and admitted how she feels about you already, what else can you do, nothing.

Don’t talk to her anymore and don’t be friends with her because it’s not going to get anywhere and being friends with her won’t help you make anything better.

Just completely leave her alone and stop being friends, if she comes back to try talking to you and ask “what’s up why aren’t you there anymore talking to me” fine be friends again but if she doesn’t bother to try to contact you then obviously she doesn’t really care at all about you even as a friend.

Not worth it, just leave it