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My husband is friending random women on FB...what do i do? - Printable Version

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My husband is friending random women on FB...what do i do? - meee - 03-15-2014 05:09 AM

My husband has started to friend random women on Facebook. Also around the same time I discovered that he had started pleasuring himself when I wasn't home and when the kids were asleep. He claims that he does it so that he wont have wet dreams, and he gets defensive when I ask him who the random women are. Most of them he has never met, ever. WHAT DO I DO?!
I need to add that our sex life is pretty regular. And no he does not play many games and he is always on chat.

- David - 03-15-2014 05:13 AM

Do you tell him you would like to be present to help him? Or would you rather not bother with being with him?

- James W - 03-15-2014 05:24 AM

They are just random women, most of those on FB are probably fake profiles with pics of hot chicks with the sole intention of just getting as many friend invites as possible... and then they start spamming his friends with junk. It will bite him in the ass... just let it play itself out. As far as him pleasuring himself, perhaps you can help him out in that department. Give him more than he needs at home, and his eyes will never wander.

- craft painter - 03-15-2014 05:39 AM

WEll you did not say if he plays games on facebook and that has a lot to do with it. When a person plays games on it then you have to have friends to help you in almost all of them so you might get quite a few women that you do not know. I would have to wonder if they ask him to be their friend or if he ask them to be his.
If he plays no games then you might ask him who was doing the asking.
If it bother you so much then get on his face book and delete all the strange women and if he gets mad and ask you why you did it I would tell him because you are mine and I am not sharing you with anybody else. As far as the other thing he has been doing., That is sort of private for him and if he has a need to do it then I would not worry as long as he is doing it to him self and no one is around.

- kaylee - 03-15-2014 05:47 AM

Make it stop immediately. This is what tore my parents relationship apart. He began to date another woman that he met on Facebook. It has effected my life every single day, and my little sisters. but worse of all, my Moms. Whats even worse is that I found out and had to tell her. Im not saying this is what your husband is doing, I just know these are the first signs that my mom noticed. But we all denied it and just let it go until it was too late. If he will not delete these women as friends, I would at least get him to give you his password. Hopefully all goes well!

- Simpleton44 - 03-15-2014 05:51 AM

It sounds like you two have wildly different sex drives. You can either have more sex and be the fulfillment he is looking for or eventually lose him. I could rant on for hours explaining why, but suffice it to say, sexual fulfillment in men is a KEY ingredient. Without it, you ill eventually lose your man even if it's internally.

He wants sexual attention and more specifically, more sex... either have more or say goodbye

- Angelia A - 03-15-2014 06:03 AM

Call him on it, by now you should know his truthful face. If he let's you have his password, then do the research on the ladies and figure out the connections. Maybe you both need a vacation without the kids. Fulfill both of your dreams sexually, keep it fun.

- aleksismichael - 03-15-2014 06:16 AM

you dont ask for his password that is a mistake, you dont need to spy on him to find evidence against him either, what you need to do is spy on him to figure out what he likes and bombard him with things you have never or not done for him for a long time... simplist is this... go talk to his friends, and this is KEY, not to get them to betray him, but to ask them to talk to him and try to get them to see if they could inpsire him to share his inner urges iwth her, theirs serious stuff here, that if you loveh im you cannot judge him for, if you want to keep him, youl have to fight for, sometimes marriage is bad because people act like its a unbreakable contract or seal that means they dont need to treat each new day like a new date in a just starting relationship, you have to get dirty, fight iwth tactics to make him interested in you, not to chase off the other women :/