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Should I say I love you? - Printable Version

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Should I say I love you? - Andy - 03-15-2014 11:10 AM

I met this guy last semester and I asked him to my fraternity's formal not knowing him very well. We ended up having a really great night. I started spending a lot of time with him fairly quickly. By the end of the month I was sleeping over at his apartment almost every night. He is so easy to talk to and I feel like I know him inside and out. I literally saw something about two sentences long he had anonymously posted on this Facebook page and (without knowing he posted it) guessed that it was him because I know how he talks so well!

The thing is, I haven't seen him since mid December because he is in Spain and is not coming back afterwards. But, I have talked to him almost every day since then and we Skype once a week and get carried away in conversation for hours. I am planning on visiting him this summer too, so I know I will see him again. I just have never had to tell someone I am in a relationship with that I love him.

I keep telling myself that he will say it back, I am almost certain he will, but I have this silly fear that he will not like me saying it. He is a very free spirited guy and likes to do things in the "now" and not worry too much about the future. I am a little bit opposite of this, and I think this is why we get along so well, because we bring something to each other that the other one is missing. Ultimately, I wonder if he will take "I love you" as a sort of determining moment that, in a sense, "ties him down" to me and keeps him from his freedom, at least the act of him saying it back. Therefore, I am hesitating to say it because I obviously don't know what he is going to say back.

Is this an appropriate time to tell him (it would be over Skype)? Should I wait until August when I will visit him (I don't think I can wait that long!)? Or maybe I should not say it ever because it won't be worth it to him? Or am I reading into this 500% too much and should I really just say it and **** the consequences because life's too short?

Thanks guys.

- Neko Princess - 03-15-2014 11:13 AM

through Skype Smile because if you go to Spain, say it, & it doesnt go well, its just going to be awkward the rest of the trip. It might cheapen it through computer but when you see him (if he handled it well) you can tell him "i can finally tell you this in person now. . . "I love you. . . " but hey its just my opinion Smile

- Danny - 03-15-2014 11:15 AM

If you never say it, you'll never know what might or might not have happened. I think you should express yourself.

As to whether or not to tell him over skype, in person is the best wish to tell people these things. However, if Skype is the best you can do, and you feel like you need to do it now, then go do it now! If anything, it'll give him time to mull over it a bit, and if he doesn't respond well, you're not there for the awkwardness.

Good luck! Smile

- candycane - 03-15-2014 11:26 AM

Only tell him if you truly mean it and if you really mean it you ll know the right time and you don't worry that much about him saying it back because you just want him to know your feelings