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I'm completely clueless on what's happening? - Printable Version

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I'm completely clueless on what's happening? - The Shiz - 03-15-2014 12:43 PM

So this girl I graduated high school with (I'm 23 now) added me as a friend on Facebook. A few days later she messaged me saying " Hey Brandon, how are you"? I responded back about half hour later saying "I'm good! How are you"? She didn't respond back till the next day saying " I'm really good thanks! What have you been up to lately? To which I responded, " Mostly working at my job lol I really love it. How about you?" And that was several hours ago. I thought at first maybe she is interested in getting to know me and maybe go out sometime but it says on her profile she is in a relationship. Just curious why she would message me out of nowhere like this. Like I said, I never talked to her all through high school. And why is it taking her so long to respond back? I've seen a couple times she has updated her status on FB but then doesn't message me back. Anyone have any ideas on what's going on? I'm completely clueless.

- Kayla - 03-15-2014 12:57 PM

I don't know honestly. That's weird. I mean maybe her relationship status is wrong. Maybe she's thinking of what to say to you. Maybe she was just trying to be nice. It could be different things. I say wait a little in the convo and she what she says and tell us, then we'll try and figure it out.