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how delet friend on facebook? - Printable Version

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how delet friend on facebook? - Sylvia - 03-15-2014 12:49 PM

i wanna delete one friend on my facebook..

- Abby - 03-15-2014 12:59 PM

On the very lefthand side of the page, there's a link near the bottom that says, "Remove from friends/Block friend". Click on one of those links and you'll be set.

- 744 - 03-15-2014 01:11 PM

go to their page and on the bottom left hand side it will say remove friend or something like that

- Wuff Wuff - 03-15-2014 01:13 PM

Login to your Facebook account.

Locate the friend you want to delete. You can use the search in the upper left hand corner of the site.

Once on the profile of the person you are looking to delete, scroll down to the bottom of the screen. On the bottom toolbar you will see a button that reads "Remove from Friends." Click the button and the person will no longer be able to receive your information.

- Vidahlia H - 03-15-2014 01:16 PM

Go to your profile. Then your friends list. Then find your friend, to the right there should be a red "X". Click the delete button. If you need to block them, go to that persons profile, scroll down, and on the left there is a block/ report button.

- Rom Cartridge - 03-15-2014 01:20 PM

This guide will explain you how to remove a "friend" on Facebook:

Good luck!