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HELP ME ...... TRAVELLERS.... FACEBOOKERS! PLease help!? - Printable Version

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HELP ME ...... TRAVELLERS.... FACEBOOKERS! PLease help!? - Nikhil - 03-15-2014 01:03 PM

F Name: Any Name
Sorry everyone, it may seem a lot awkward but yeah i am stuck in this situation...
I lOVE This girl i met online Whos name is Britt Ann David And lives in kuwait....
We met online on chatango And now we are like best Best Friends on Facebook....
The Problem scenario is As follows:-
1.) We only talk through Facebook....
2.) Her facebook related email account is expired due to no long use
3.) She gave me her password for facebook
4.) I accesed her FB ID and her Fb id got blocked because of accessing from different geographical locations..
5.) Now we have not been talking from 3 days and its like AGES....
So Ihave reached A crucial decision that iam going to travell to california and then
1.) Goto California Fb Headquaters and enquire their courts and laws and ask them if icould get her address
2.) If i got lucky in obtaining her residential address then ill go to kuwait to meet her up!
So my first questions is that what is required for first time travelling to USA(i mean documentation etc. i live in INDIA)?
and my second question is that Am I Doing It The Right Way?.... i mean that is there any Defect in my plan that
might cause problem! ( I have taken cosiderations like it would take me atleast 2 weeks in US and also the expenditure there)
please stick to my questions...
Aaah.... And dont worry i am not guy with low morale that would disappoint so easily
or give up that easily...
I will try everything i could possibly think of...... without bothering about the consequencies
Screw You .... Iam not gonna vote this as best answer!!

- moshe - 03-15-2014 01:07 PM

Facebook wont give you any info about any of thier accounts especialy if you are not the user... And besides the point that everything you can do by thier office in U.S. (if they even have one) you can do online... You can try to tell them your story and ask them to contact you... But flying to U.S. is money put in garbage! Dont do it cuz you will be badly disappointed