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Ex Boyfriend asked me out and talked about new girl he is dating.? - Printable Version

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Ex Boyfriend asked me out and talked about new girl he is dating.? - 358 - 03-15-2014 04:06 PM

Hey there,

so my ex bf and i broke up almost 2 months ago, but we started being in contact for the past few weeks. and he always initiate convos and msg me at the most random hour, to tell me about the most random thing ever.

he was also curious about my dating life and keep asking me about it and i know that his friend set him up with a colleague of hers but i did not touch on that he asked me out and he seemed pretty excited about it even booking me 2 weeks in advance, so i went along. things were fine and den he started talking about this new girl he is dating. he said she fullfill his 'check list' and that his friends and his mum saw her picture and approve and that he is going to chase after her. and he told me of some ways he was chasing her.

i tried to play i cool but as we were having snacks by some river, he suddenly hugged me tightly, i teared abit but i tried to hide it from him. and when we were looking for a cab, he held my hands and before he put me on a cab, he hugged me another time and i gave him a kiss on his cheeks and got into the cab.

i don't get him at all, fine he might want to be friendly but doesn't one practice self censorship? and my friends all thought he was chasing after me cause he was really active in contacting me and when i don't reply he will msg me again. and he also started 'like' all my stuff on social media.

- Clark - 03-15-2014 04:17 PM

He discussed this because he did not know what else to talk about. He might have wanted to make you jealous. That is kind of ridiculous.