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Why do I feel embarrassed he cheated? - Printable Version

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Why do I feel embarrassed he cheated? - lisa - 03-15-2014 04:57 PM

I have not spoken to my ex-boyfriend since he went to his ex girlfriends party in August. There has also been rumors that his ex girlfriend has stayed over He also said I was boring, awkward and hard to talk to. I found out she stayed over from my friend who she spoke to and she also said to my friend that his mum did not like me and that I was rude. She also said she f****** hates me. His ex girlfriend also said his mum told her I was rude and didn't like me and that his family love her. Today it was the last day of high school forever and I was waiting in the line to sign off my sheet and I felt like I was being judged by what I wear and my social status. All the popular people are in groups and there is just me with a small group. My ex was there and I felt sad because that is what could have been and he is blaming me for cheating which makes me feel insecure. He also told my friend I was boring,awkward and hard to talk to, after I found out he was seeing her. Whenever I want to look at him or his presence is close I think of what could have been. Even now I am still hurt he would give up so easy and not even care about telling me. He made me believe what we had was real and I was under that impression since he liked me first and initiated the relationship. Ever since we were dating she befriended my friends and invited them to her parties but now they no longer get invites (ever since me and him broke up in August). I find that odd too. He said a month ago I am boring, awkward and hard to talk to, after he found out I knew he was cheating on me. I feel like if I wasn't so naive and stupid I would have stopped our relationship from being what it was. Just yesterday the ex girlfriend's friend unfriended me on Facebook which reminds me of when I was getting evil looks from her friends.

- April - 03-15-2014 05:01 PM

He told your friend that you were boring, awkward and hard to talk to? He's a jerk! Your "friend" sounds like a jerk, too, if she didn't stand up for you to him. You may want to re-think confiding much to that friend.

He treated you extremely poorly. There's no excuse in him saying those awful things to you, and even worse saying those things about you to others. He's trying to lessen his own cheating behavior by blaming you! You're not responsible for him being a cheat and a liar! Remember a liar is also a thief. You must not be too "boring, awkward, and hard to talk to" as he asked you out and dated you. Think about it. He's just making excuses.

Chin up, gal. You're not naive or stupid because you're trusting. Most people don't go into relationships thinking the other person is cheating on them. There are lots of people (guys and gals) who take advantage of others and use them. You're not alone. You dated a cad, and now he's showing his true colors. You have no reason to feel embarrassed as you're no longer dating this nut, thank goodness. He and that girl are 2 peas in a pod ~ just alike. You can tell by how she weaseled her way in to get close to him through your friends and then dumped them. The two of them deserve each other.

Look for a new group of friends and more mature guys to date. Hold your head high, and continue to be nice to everyone .. but don't get close to or confide in those in that group. Just steer clear of all of them. It may hurt for a while when you ditch the familiar group, but once you get into meeting nicer friends, you'll feel better and be treated nicer.

Check out some new clubs to join, churches, etc. so you can expand your sources to meet new friends. Look to see which churches have a lot of activities you like; you can go to more than one church to do things and meet people. You may find some activities and clubs listed in the newspapers, the libraries' (school and city/county) bulletin boards, etc. If you like any type sports or dancing, join some groups to get together and do those things. You're bound to meet some new people by getting out there and doing some new things.