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Video & Online Gaming: What do you think about EA's plan to shut down some of it's Facebook games? - Printable Version

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Video & Online Gaming: What do you think about EA's plan to shut down some of it's Facebook games? - Dave Hytmen - 03-15-2014 07:23 PM

Pet Society, The Sim Social and Simcity Social will be shut down June 14, 2013 because Electronic Arts wants to put more time in their other games. It is duly noted that all of these said games ask for in-game currency and real money for purchases even though EA already knew they where going to shut them down months before hand.

Video & Online Gaming: What do you think about EA's plan to shut down some of it's "Older" Facebook Games?

- Luke - 03-15-2014 07:31 PM

ehhh doesnt really matter. nobody really uses facebook as much anymore also
they should spend time on other games

- 822 - 03-15-2014 07:45 PM

I don't care because I don't use facebook, the games probably suck anyway.

- 659 - 03-15-2014 07:58 PM

as much as i could not give a flying fuck about facebook or its 'games' this story brings up 2 points (if you read 'between the lines') people who care about 'real' gaming should take note of....

1- just what a disgraceful money grabbing company EA are, one of those games is less than a year old people will have spent money on it through micro-transactions expecting to be able to enjoy what they have payed for, for a long time to come. Not only that but with EA well knowing they were going to close it they allowed people to keep spending and deciding to give people just 1 months notice so they could maximize any profits from it, and now they are expecting those players to (having lost everything they have payed for) move over to a new EA game and spend more money on micro-transactions. They started the whole culture of day 1 dlc, online passes and cynically putting out any old shit as long as it sells, i heard they are now 'the worst company in america' which i have to say is well deserved.

2- Things like this are about to become very much common place on xbone and perhaps ps4, when you have drm laced systems which require an internet connection and kill off the used games market you as a consumer are handing over all your power to companies who only care about $$$. Without even bothering to think about games here, what is going to happen 2 or 3 years into the 9th gen when the xbone is no longer making money? M$ will take the servers offline and the day that happens the hundreds if not thousands people have spent on it and games will become totally useless, can't play it, can't sell it USELESS...