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Do You Think Facebook Will Change Again From Timeline To Something Else? - Printable Version

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Do You Think Facebook Will Change Again From Timeline To Something Else? - Rose - 03-15-2014 08:47 PM

If you do know for a fact if FB will change from Timeline to another format, I'd like to know!


- Geo - 03-15-2014 08:57 PM

change shall come my dear, it may not be now. But they will definitely upgrade their systems and will change it to keep customers happy. they have to change once in a while, but might be a long time from now.

Hoep this helps Smile

- Aleesha - 03-15-2014 09:02 PM

Yes, Facebook is always changing.
It annoys me >.<
Answer mine???

- Smokies Hiker - 03-15-2014 09:17 PM

Yes, I think they'll screw it up again! Facebook continues to downgrade their product all the time! That's why they've lost billions of dollars in value the past couple of months! I no longer spend much time there. I've more important things to do such as take out the garbage and mow the lawn.