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What do I do ? pleze help? - dazzelme39 - 03-15-2014 10:43 PM

I love my boyfriend with all my heart he is my best friend and I don't want to lose him we have truly been with each other thought think and thin to be fair he will do what ever for me but we have been having problems lately big problems he can sometimes be a jerk and say hurtful things are last fight was the worst because after all that we have been thought all that i put up with i don't think i can stomach it i love him and i know he really loves me we have had argument where he has gotten so mad that he has called me out of my name and repeatedly called me a b%^&#, the thing is that he gets mad at me for the Little's of things i drooped his bowl once because we where playing and he snapped at me real bad my family loves him this was the man i wanted to marry and to be his wife and so do i and i put up with it because i know he has some what of a anger problem but one day he got mad at me for texting my friends brother and he gave me the cold shoulder all night i was so hurt i didn't know why he was treating me like this and then my friend had me go check his twitter and it said "i think i want to try out some new races latino possibly" I am african american and that really hurt my feelings i Truly thought i could get over it but for some reason i cant we also live in different states and we are going to be going to different school so that means we wont see each other as much my question with all this on my mind should i stay or should i just call it quites

- Just like That. - 03-15-2014 10:54 PM

Talk it out with him. Tell him about all the things he's doing that hurts you. He sounds like he's a little too hurtful though and it's making it a very unhealthy relationship for you. Talk to him about it first, but it might be better, as hard as it is, to let this one go and try to find someone who will treat you better.

- Branden - 03-15-2014 11:07 PM

Leave him. I got anger problems but I informed my girl that I'm currently working on them and the fact that she knows helps. I don't call her out of her name and when we argue we argue about the issue not things, it wont change and will stay in the back of your head

- Agent17D - 03-15-2014 11:17 PM

For your boyfriend to say "i want to try out new races" is bad enough already. I would say move on, it hurts and its so tough to do it but the way i see it time to move on. If you don't it looks like he just might be looking and be interested in other girls. Be careful and good luck

- Dawns - 03-15-2014 11:32 PM

This may help 10 ways to make someone like you
the second story is really funny, that is how I found this site in the first place, good luck

- Jackie - 03-15-2014 11:43 PM

Unfortunately, by remaining in a relationship with this person after he has called you out of your name, you have taught him that it is acceptable to be openly disrespectful to you.

He also has an anger management dysfunction. If he yelled at you for dropping a bowl by mistake, I can't imagine what would he do if he found out that you deliberately invaded his privacy by checking his Twitter account.

Love aside, your decision to stay or go truly depends on your level of self respect. Is this the type of person and relationship that you want? Or do you want better for yourself?

There are normal, loving men out there. You just have to decide to be open to them and walk away from your "boyfriend".

Good luck!