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influence of technology on work market? - Printable Version

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influence of technology on work market? - Nihao - 03-16-2014 01:05 AM

What influence do you think tecnology has on the work market? how can it improve the work of many people?

- 057 - 03-16-2014 01:06 AM

Technology is one of the main catalysts for today’s changes in how marketing is done. Easier access to more and more information and the possibility of people to network with each other has put the customer “in control”. Until a few years ago, with “traditional” media, marketing was mostly a one way communication (from the company to the consumers). Word-of-mouth was still at low levels and feedback was time-consuming and not necessarily effective. Free market – people choosing to buy something else – was the only effective feedback mechanism.

Today however, consumers have great and collective power to “dictate” what companies do. People value others’ opinions. With social media anyone can set up a website and voice their views. Anyone can visit online meeting places like Digg and Reddit and promote the voices and opinions of others, and anyone can mobilize a group around a common cause on Facebook or elsewhere. The global loop is now closed: communication becomes bi-directional. Two-way communication is the most productive way: companies and consumers talking to each other, not at each other.