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Is technology making communication easier today? - Printable Version

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Is technology making communication easier today? - 592 - 03-16-2014 03:36 AM

Yes/No and why?

- - 03-16-2014 03:38 AM

Yes because you can send an email text message to any body on the globe in seconds

- physics is cool - 03-16-2014 03:40 AM

idk how it is making it worse? technology makes things better

- goingfast2004 - 03-16-2014 03:41 AM

For casual chit chat yes. But for deeper more personal communication I would say no. I mean a good example of this would be a group of 10 people all standing in a room texting other people that are in a room with 10 people. This seems crazy, but its whats happening every day. In some cases I think we over communicate if that is even a term. lol...but with all of this back and forth texting and twittering are we really communicating or just wasting time. I mean do u really need to know what your best friend had for lunch? I say we need to communicate more in person and not so much on the cell phones and email. I mean ask yourself this question. What would you rather receive. A email from your friend that has been forwarded a 100 times or a heart felt letter written by the same friend. I think that might make my point much clearer. Just my thoughts.