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Can a tweet be traced to me? - Printable Version

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Can a tweet be traced to me? - Allie Madison - 03-16-2014 03:46 AM

I gained access to a school account's twitter password and want to tweet that class is cancelled as a joke. If I tweet it from my phone, can they trace it back to me?

- george - 03-16-2014 04:01 AM

Obviously, you don't understand that this is considered hacking and it can be traced back to your phone. What you want to do is not a joke and it's not funny. This is something you can be arrested for. Even if the school doesn't press charges, you can be thrown out indefinitely. I don't get why you kids insist on playing with things you don't understand. I also don't get why you want to mess around with other people's lives like this.