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Too many facebook likes? - Printable Version

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Too many facebook likes? - Frank - 03-16-2014 07:55 AM

What do I do. I friended a guy on Facebook that is in my business for networking reasons. I noticed he liked a few of my posts, so I in return liked a few of his. He has since LIKED almost every one of my posts. My boyfriend even noticed. I dont want to unfriend him since he's a businesss networking friend, but its a bit creepy to say the least. My boyfriend asked me if I was interested in him or if he was overly friendly to me. Or if there was any reason for him to worry. GOD NO... What do I do?

- Inspirus - 03-16-2014 08:09 AM

Just make the things clear to everyone.

- Brad D - 03-16-2014 08:15 AM

If you click the drop down where it says your friends with that person, you can unfollow or even block them so they won't see your posts, but you'll still show up as a connected "friend". Or better yet, add him to an "acquaintances" list and update your privacy settings to make sure certain lists of friends are only seeing certain content you post. So the next time you post, change the setting to show for everyone, just friends, or include/exclude acquaintances. Good luck!

- Chaudhary - 03-16-2014 08:28 AM

Change your privacy settings so HE won't be able to see everything that you share or do on FB!!

- Charles - 03-16-2014 08:41 AM

I think leave and don't worry about it a lot.

- Lee - 03-16-2014 08:46 AM

Go to your privacy settings and limit those who can see your posts. If he's a business networking contact, you don't want him seeing your personal posts.