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Should i make my twitter account public? Please answer? - Printable Version

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Should i make my twitter account public? Please answer? - Hannah - 03-16-2014 09:40 AM

I know i'm probably over exaggerating about this but whatever. Ok so i've been getting alot of requests from people and i'm just thinking about putting my account on public so people can follow me and i'll earn more followers. But i'm really kinda nervous about hackers following me. So should i just keep my twitter private or turn it to public? And yes i know this is in the facebook section, it's the only category that makes sense with this question lol

- Jeff P - 03-16-2014 09:54 AM

If you have to come to YA to ask this question, you're too young to be on the internet. Seriously--do what you want.

- Joseph - 03-16-2014 10:04 AM

You need to ask your parents what THEY think you should do. I agree with Jeff P when he says that you are way too young to be making this decision on your own with the advice of strangers. We don't know you. Your parents do.

Do you post a lot of personal information? Do you post about where you live or go to school? Does your profile say where you live and go to school? Do you post some "inside jokes" that only friends would get? Ask yourself if you want strangers to see things that you are posting. Then, ask your parents if THEY think strangers should be reading your posts.

It's not about being's about your privacy. How much of your life do you want strangers involved in?