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Why does my mom keep asking about my love life!!!!? - Printable Version

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Why does my mom keep asking about my love life!!!!? - wingman - 03-16-2014 12:10 PM

Lately my mom has asked "Why don't you have a girlfriend?"

Today it was "So who's gonna be your valentine? Are you shy?" I'm 17. I only talk about my love life with my brother, which is great BTW. My mom has the impression that I'm some anti social, lonely teenager.

The more I tell her that I'm not, the more she thinks I'm lying.

Does anyone else see something wrong with her behavior?

Is there anything that I can tell her to make her Stop?

- danceislife - 03-16-2014 12:24 PM

A LOT of moms fear of their child being left out and anti social... for many reasons maybe because they were. or someone close they knew..BUT be straigh forward about it?

Mom where is this coming from?
why are you having that type of mentality?
did you expierence something like it?

TELL her i don't feel comfortable talking to you about my love life and respect that. when time is right the time is right. Im a teenager theres no book or law stating i need to have a girlfriend

- Brent G - 03-16-2014 12:35 PM

No, she loves you and wants to know what's going on in your life. Plus she has an obligation to know that the people you are hanging out with are safe.

All parents are going to pry into your business and it's kind of an eye test to determine if what specifically they are doing is "over the line" and your mom's is absolutely not. Some people's parents stalk their social media, read their diary, follow them while out with friends...your mom is just asking to hear what is going on with you.

Chill out bro, and you know if you told her a little bot of information every now and then she will be less inclined to pry.

- Nature Lover - 03-16-2014 12:49 PM

Moms are protective, mine included. The ones who are not, the family really has problems (lol).

She knows life is no piece of cake out there, and that you will have to face it sooner or later. The best way to face it is knowing/learning through experience.
She protected you when you were a kid. However, she knows she will not be able to do it out there, thus you will have to take care of yourself.
She may also worry you may be introverted, often associated with unsocial behavior.
Finally, she wants to assure you will give her grand kids someday (lol). Every mother hopes for that, so she is not alone! Mothers tend to be overprotective, out of love that is.