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Help please! First answer that is good will get points? - Printable Version

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Help please! First answer that is good will get points? - Jordynne - 03-16-2014 12:23 PM

My friend and I want to help teens that are in tough situations and need advice, we want to set up a place where they can message us and ask for help, and we can answer with the advice they need but we've tried setting up websites and we can't get a message box or anything.. We need help. Please help if you have any ideas or can help us set up something to help them. Thank you. Smile

- Blkandwhtlion - 03-16-2014 12:33 PM

Basically you want to create a Yahoo! Answers copy cat site?

Sorry couldn't help it...

Here's what I would do because its easy for me, but I know some web programming...

Download Drupal.

An easier solution would be to download and install word press. That is easy and the site makes itself. Just add the content you want and watch a few tutorials.

Have fun

- Sarah - 03-16-2014 12:44 PM

You have many options from creating an online forum to handing out business cards with an email and some info on it, most kids have email these days.
If you still want to take the website route I suggest wordpress.

- Stella - 03-16-2014 12:52 PM

What are your qualifications? What you are thinking of doing could have some detrimental effects on people if you give the wrong advice. Without knowing the FULL story of these teens you think you will be helping, you can't give a really informed answer or advice.

I know you don't want to hear this, but, if someone asks you for advice and things go wrong (worst case scenario could be a suicide), you can be found as the site owner and potentially be prosecuted. This isn't the kind of thing an unqualified person should be doing. Even if you are a troubled teen and have some experience in how you handled YOUR problem doesn't mean you would be able to give that advice to someone else. All cases are different and there just isn't room online to give a full story.

A better option would be to start a Facebook page for teens with problems to vent and maybe ask advice from others (not necessarily you) who have dealt with their issues.

Another option would be a blog with a comments section that allows teens to tell of their experiences with what you are writing about.

No matter what, you need to think of any legal ramifications.

- xoxo-gossip-girl - 03-16-2014 01:01 PM

i've seen a couple of these on tumblr... you "ask" (anonymously, or not) the person on their tumblr and they can write a long response with advice.