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Ex girlfriend posting sad song lyrics on Twitter about me.? - Printable Version

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Ex girlfriend posting sad song lyrics on Twitter about me.? - Jaron - 03-16-2014 06:47 PM

She broke up with me because she felt like something was missing. But the other day I got tired of her being hot and cold so I returned the gifts she gave me and her things and told her to delete my number(which I know she didn't). But what does this mean shes acting like I dumped her? I would take her back but its up to her to make the first move. It just seems like shes blaming me for everything.

- 769 - 03-16-2014 06:52 PM

Good for you for growing a spine. Too many guys (and girls) let their bfs/gfs walk all over them with their hot and cold feelings. The best thing to do in my opinion is ignore her. Don't let her know you realize the lyrics are about you, don't let her have even the slightest idea you are thinking about her, even if you are.

Because in the long run it will make her think about you more. The farther you pull away the closer she wants to get and its likely she will make the first move if you just act like she doesn't exist. If you still want her, do what i say because when she does come back and i'm 87.577383% sure she will, you will have more authority in the relationship and she will know not to play games.