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Really clingy guy won't stop messaging me, what should I do? - Printable Version

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Really clingy guy won't stop messaging me, what should I do? - Pincat - 03-16-2014 07:56 PM

So there's this guy I knew briefly about three years ago. He's 17, a year older than me. Lately he finally got a Facebook account and added me. Then came the torrent of messages before I messaged him back, and when I finally did he immediately told me his tragic life's story and starting going on about how no one loved him. I decided to go with it because he was obviously extremely lonely, and from there he just got clingier and clinger and expected me to text him back immediately and freaked out if I didn't, texting over and over again until I finally told him it was too much and I needed him to cool it. He was fine with it and it was better, but now he's back at it, threatening that if I don't message him back he'll kill himself and calling me over and over again. I don't know what to do - I've told him the same encouraging words practically every time he texts me, but he just demands my constant attention and I really don't want to give it anymore. Any advice would be wonderful.

- Monique - 03-16-2014 07:58 PM

Block him and don't tell him and act like or offline Tongue

- T-Max - 03-16-2014 08:03 PM

you will have to block his messages and unfriend him.

- Chris - 03-16-2014 08:05 PM

I know that feeling. I had a compulsive liar x gf and she got really bad. Bad to the point where she'd make things up just to get a reaction from me. High school drama things and were ten years past that phase. It's like she never grew mature. She's engaged and still trying to act like were still together. When we were together, she took advantage of my spendings and dumped me, then when i was back to normal money situations, she tried to get back together again hoping i would pay everything again. A relationship is a two way street. She never got that. Anyway, block him and unfriend him, and change your phone number, that will take care of all the insanity. Just ignore him because he's acting like a drama queen. People who act like babies should not be able to deserve our attention. Threatening to kill yourself is childish. Like the child who holds there breath till they get what they want. Just ignore him and he'll stop what he's doing.