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Mark Cuban fined $25,000 for Twitter comment? - Dirk41 - 03-16-2014 11:15 PM

Okay, almost everybody hates Mark Cuban except some Dallas fans (he has turned the franchise around 180 degrees since he took over). He whines and b*tches. A lot. That is given.

But seriously? Is David Stern really going to fine him for a comment made on Twitter for Pete's sake? Anybody who saw the Dallas/Denver game knows that his complaint is legitimate for once. He expressed disappointment about the fact that a taunting technical was not called on J.R. Smith after he stood over Antoine Wright (who was on the floor in the closing seconds), pointed, waved his towel, and laughed.

@baudkarma: Fair point. But I'm not so much upset that Stern fined Cuban for the umpteenth time, but that he continually refuses to change anything in his and the refs' approach to officiating. No one likes to just give away their money; Cuban is clearly trying to tell Stern to get his refs to be more consistent.

- New in Town - 03-16-2014 11:20 PM


- the real deal - 03-16-2014 11:36 PM

First of all i would like to say that the guy is annoying as hell but then again i have to admit that he cares a lot for the franchise and is always defending his players. He has a bad reputation for being meddlesome but that is no reason why Stern should be unfair with the guy. Then again, in the NBA they give a fine for almost everything this days. Cuban is a billionaire so i don't think he really cares. Would you care if the police gave you a 1 cent fine?

- 929 - 03-16-2014 11:44 PM

Hmm....I didnt know that.

As for the J.R. Smith thing. I was pretty dissapointed in him for that! Sorry about that...for what its worth...the Nuggets are "my" team but I thought that was pretty bad and I couldnt believe J.R. did that. I also heard J.R. pushed the guy(working for nuggets) that tried to help him up. I didnt catch it though. I did loose a little bit of respect for J.R. that night....

- baudkarma - 03-16-2014 11:49 PM

Of course he's going to fine Cuban. There's a rule, if you make a negative comment about the officials in public, you get fined. It doesn't matter how justified the comment is... say bad things about the refs, and you get fined. It's not like Cuban didn't know this.

The alternative is for the Commissioners office to sort of pick and choose which rules to enforce, and when. Is that what you'd prefer?

- 963 - 03-16-2014 11:59 PM

The internet is an evolving 'toy' in every community possible. Cuban has the freedom to write whatever the **** he wants - except now trash about the NBA, better yet sngling out officials like he did,

Commish Stern wants NONE of that, especially because he doesn't like Cuban and has fined him up to 100K before. Cuban can write what he wants, but it made the news and Stern doesn't want that, so he slapped Cuban with a 25K fine. Is Cuban going to stop? no. did he have reason to type what he did? well, yes.

But he shouldn't have and he had to know a fine was coming.

The Stern-Cuban battle continues.

- DETROIT KING - 03-17-2014 12:06 AM

LOL..he fined him 25K ..that's pocket change for him..David Stern is an asshole and he is killing the NBA..