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Ex said he hates me, now he wants me back? - Printable Version

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Ex said he hates me, now he wants me back? - Danielle - 03-17-2014 01:30 AM

Me and my ex are both 18 and we were together for 1 and a half years. We broke up because of other people getting involved. We broke up just over a month ago and he's been giving me mixed signals ever since and just two days ago he told me he still loves me and always will. Then yesterday, he told me he doesn't love me and that he never has. He's told me to go die and that I'm just dirt on the ground. He now says he can't stand me and he talks to girls I hate and I know it's just to get at me. I can't eat and I haven't been able to concentrate on college work recently, so after last night I just decided not to speak to him and deleted his number, blocked his twitter and he already saved the trouble of me blocking him on facebook as he did that a week ago. BUT he's texting me already saying he wants me back!? (I recognise his number) He's been so horrible to me but now that I decide to ignore him he starts saying this!? WHAT is going on!

- bekki - 03-17-2014 01:41 AM

Sounds like he's playing mind games with you. I would ignore him, don't even respond to his texts. Eventually he'll get tired of his silly game and quit. Just move on and find someone who won't talk to you like you're trash. No one deserves that.

- Ash - 03-17-2014 01:46 AM

youre better off without him.He was already getting angry with you for no reason and you guys werent even together.If he really wanted you back then he wouldnt have acted like that,hed be trying his hardest to get you back

- Star - 03-17-2014 01:51 AM

He's awful, change your number. He can't honestly expect a romantic response from a girl he told to go and die?

- Charlie - 03-17-2014 02:05 AM

He does not love you. I'm sorry to be blunt but its obvious. He wouldn't have said those things or been such a jerk if he did. Just ignore him. He'll get the hint. I say this from experience, i have been going through the same situation since november and itwasn'tt until early last month that I finally looked at myself and said "What the hell am I doing?!?" It was a waste of my time and will be a waste of yours. Youdeservee someone who will love and cherish you, not someone who will play games with your heart. Best of Luck.

- Jodie - 03-17-2014 02:21 AM

Ok I have a totally different response because I have been in a similar situation. I don't know why he hates you so much but for me my boyfriend was being sly and passive aggressive and in the end I just flipped and told him I wished he was dead and other awful horrible things. The thing is I hate him but I still love him. I can't switch the feelings off. So it is possible that he loves you he just is hurt by something and doesn't know how to deal with it. There is a thin line between love and hate x

- Rodica - 03-17-2014 02:24 AM

As long as there have not been consequences for its behaviour he thought he can play you. When he saw that is on the verge of losing you he changed it.