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Is It Just Me, Or Is This Guy Annoying? - Printable Version

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Is It Just Me, Or Is This Guy Annoying? - lisa - 03-17-2014 04:08 AM

For the past couple of months I've had a crush on a single, good looking Facebook friend. However, I'm starting to really get turned off by his status updates. For a while now he's been going out of his way to do nice things for people and then posts all about it on Facebook. Example, "Today I gave my seat on the train up to an old lady. I'm not telling you this to brag, I'm telling you this to remind you to be considerate of others." Or, "I felt so bad for the Santa ringing the bell outside K-Mart that I went and bought him a hot chocolate AND donated a hundred dollars. I needed no thanks but the warm glow I got inside." Of course he gets a million likes and people telling him how wonderful he is. Meanwhile, all I can think is of the million good things I do all day...buying food at the grocery store for the needy, donating to St. Jude at the cash register, etc...It never once has occurred to me to tell all my Facebook friends about it. To me that's kind of crass. Is it JUST me who thinks this guy is kind of a jerk if he has to tell everyone how great he is and what good deeds he does?
We've known each other all our lives, since we were kids, and he lives about a mile away from me, but our main source of interaction is through Facebook. I don't add people I've never met.
Seriously, if you're going to attack me about whether or not we know each other in real life (which we do btw and it's completely irrelevant ANYWAY) then go answer someone else's questions. Why is it that some people on here go on pompous tangents lecturing the asker without even answering the darn question? Does that make you feel superior?

- Lisa Bowman - 03-17-2014 04:09 AM

It's great that he's nice, but I agree. It sucks to hear someone brag about it.

- The Virginian - 03-17-2014 04:14 AM

He is fake.

- Samina - 03-17-2014 04:19 AM

some people just need the attention, others care more about the cause

- L.R - 03-17-2014 04:33 AM

I wouldn't jump to conclusions to quick, but seemingly it just seems like he's doing that for attention if he constantly posts stuff like that. It's not something you constantly want to brag about.

- Ramon C - 03-17-2014 04:45 AM

I wonder if you mean that by a "Facebook friend" you indicate someone you have never met. If you have never met this person, why are you friends with him for? From where I sit, he meets the needs of those who like him and appreciate his character, involvement with the community, leadership and positive values. I must assume that you, in your personal life, hang out with friends. Friends are people you need and love and have some common interests. If these requirements are not met, then, you are not friends. Can we agree on this basic principle of relationships? Thank you. So, why is this person a "Facebook friend?" Take him off your list, the updates shall not ring up on your device, the aggravation shall cease, you shall live your life as to your standards, and life is good. I happen to think that in a way, you are annoying and, sorry, boring, to bring this subject up when all you had to do is to adjust your Facebook page settings. May I suggest you do just that post haste? Sans delay? Pronto? Rapido?

- That Curious Bi - 03-17-2014 04:57 AM

FACEBOOK FRIENDS ARE NOT REAL UNLESS U KNOW THEM IN REAL LIFE! so yea, with that said, there is not really anything to say to u about this. it's a fanacy. u can keep living it if u want.