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Boyfriend insecurities? - 793 - 03-17-2014 07:52 AM

Hello~ I'm a 17 yr old girl that has a boyfriend who is as of now the same age; however, there are some insecurities that I have? Anyways! We've been dating for a month already. Silly right? Sorry ;___; He's my first boyfriend though. Yeah... and so he usually would go on facebook and talk to people, more specifically, girls. And so, I made a blind eye and pretend to not know about it, because their comments tend to get VERY flirtatious. Like "I'll go over to your house and hug you <3"/ "girl-Imma take a shower/ bf-lemme go with you! <3" things like that. I don't want to sound like a crazy gf who stalks her bf, but seriously. These comments just show up in my news feed. I try to avoid it, but it wasn't going as planned. but yeah he deleted his facebook account already, so he uses my account which I have no problems with. He would play League of Legends with other op girls that are better at it than I am allllllll the time. I mean he asks me to play, but... ;___; So there was this link that another girl showed me, and it's basically a trick on people to get their crush names, and people started commenting and by chance he saw that link and did it as well. So when I got an email notification (the names of people's crushes from the link gets sent to my email) from my bf. this is what it says -please look at the picture provided- my name is on #2. the #3 girl is his ex-gf that she broke up with a week before he went out with me and they went out for about 2-3 weeks. girl #1 is the girl that plays Terra and League of Legends with him. Idek.... It sort of makes me cringe to see their names that he put even on the list. HOWEVER, he can be the coolest yet c: <3 He would always help me get rid of thirsty people on FB and he would make me laugh lots. That's probably why I fell for him, because he was the one that healed me from my scars. He would go to sleep with me every night unless I can't do so. He would never complain about having to sleep with me almost everyday. If I fell asleep before him, he would call me over skype in the middle of the night around 1-2 a.m. and he would call about 10 times and then he would message me "I've been trying to call you ;-; call me back when you wake up faggot" (these name calling things is an inside joke between me and him, so it's nothing personal because I do that to him too lol). He would most of the time say ily and give me kisses over skype when he or I have to leave the call. He doesn't like to show is face on cam and so do I, but I know he's not some old dude, because he sent me some pictures of him and I did the same as well. He would always start the conversations first through skype like "wanna call? <3" &&He would be in a call with me for about 5 or more hours, but it's mostly silence because we're both socially awkward when it comes to our relationship. I feel more shy around him than around other people. He would always tell me to go study or do my homework while we're in call, because he didn't want me to procrastinate, but I usually don't listen lol. Oh did I mention that this relationship is a long distance thing? LOL yeah we live in the US but the time it takes to go to each other is approximately 8 hours and a half ;__; Do you think he really does like me, or is it because he still likes to flirt with other girls and have fun? I don't want to make him seem like a bad guy, because he really isn't. He told me he'd get me friend chicken for valentines. YUM~ but yeah Do you think he's half hearting this relationship, or do you think this is his 100% true feelings. I haven't been in this situation before so I need your help, please help me to the best of your abilities, because I want to get rid of these insecurities. Please and Thank you to those who will answer my question honestly. oh yeah, and sorry for all of the bad grammar and spelling. sorry for the long letter. in the last question i mistyped my age as 11. my bad guys. i'm a junior in high school.

- Justin Estes - 03-17-2014 07:59 AM

If he's an inconsiderate bad boy, dump him or reject him!