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is It Normal to Feel Lost when Depressed? - Printable Version

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is It Normal to Feel Lost when Depressed? - Curtis - 03-17-2014 12:33 PM

Like its weird I broke up with my ex over a year a go and I been talking to this little jump off...well girl mess with off and on And she called me and we were on the phone for about almost a hour talking about what we been up to and its been a while since we talked an then we talked about sex and I thought about my ex girl I broke up with last year...and my ex and I dont talk other then she reachimg out to me on my birthday back in may after that nothing what was this..and shud I ad her on instagram because shes following my sister and brother...and shud I be the mature one and follow her or just leave it be...cause a part of me a small part wants to let her kno ive changed im slowly doing stuff with my life then when we were together... I guess like she tried to keep me in check when we were together and let me kno what I should kno when people give you advice cuz they care and these days I dont really have that friend well female friend like her..but I guess I should just go out and find more fish in the sea...cause if she wanted to remain in my life she wuda tried to put effort into being friends regardless how I broke up an broke her

- ssss - 03-17-2014 12:40 PM

Well i think you still love her (admit it or not) now question is if she loves you or not? Try to get answer for that question, if answer is yes then do everything in your capacity to get her back, if answer is no then you shall move on with your own life..

Stuff like adding to instagram etc. is superficial think deeper.