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What should I do about my (bisexual/gay) best friend? - Printable Version

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What should I do about my (bisexual/gay) best friend? - A - 03-17-2014 06:22 PM

I'm a straight male and in highschool. I've been in a tough situation for awhile. I have this really, really close friend. He's like family to me. Recently, I've gotten into a relationship with a girl, and about the same time my friend became suicidal. All he wants is to have me and him as a couple, and that he gets really really hurt whenever he sees my girlfriend with me or he hears about her. He's been threatening me with suicide and they're not just threats. I've had to actually stop him from doing it on many occasions. I've gotten his parents involved, but he's a very good liar and might be able to convince a doctor he doesn't need help or anything. This has been going on for a couple months, and it's getting to the point that he is giving me the option of (1) breaking up with my girlfriend and trying to be gay (which he's convinced is possible because I've never tried to be gay so "I might like it") or (2) letting him kill himself.

He's a very close friend and I don't want him to kill himself, and I would like to find a way to remain friends. At the same time, I'm not big on the idea of him screwing up my love life. Any advice would be nice.
Oh, I did not know he was gay/bi or anything until after I got into the relationship.
Also, his family does not know the detail that he's gay/bi, and it would probably be a problem if they did.

- Fifi - 03-17-2014 06:30 PM


- Mimi - 03-17-2014 06:45 PM


- Aislinn - 03-17-2014 07:00 PM

THIS IS NOT RIGHT OF HIM. A friend would not put that kind of pressure on you. Do not allow him to force you into anything. Think about it: let's say you try being in a gay relationship, but you hate it and want out, what then? You can't break up with him, because he's suicidal. He is basically asking you to mess up your own life for his. He needs help. Talk to his parents again and tell them how serious this is.

- William Chesser - 03-17-2014 07:01 PM

My advice would be to be straight forward with him. Tell him that you're not interested in him nor are you interested in being gay. You'd like to remain friends but if that's not possible then so be it. You simply can't live your life worried about problems that someone else makes for themselves and then tries to involve you in. (by that I don't mean "being gay" I mean obsessing over a person who doesn't feel the same way and then making threats because of it)

I was in a similar situation a few years ago but it was with 2 friends one being a girl the other a guy and the guy had become obsessed with the girl and started to threaten her with suicide if she didn't get back together with him. The end result after about a year was that we had to tell him "do what you're gonna do but leave her out of it." The end result: he cut himself a few times, found another girl, got over it Tongue

It won't be easy to do but it's better to do it sooner than later rather than let things progress and get out of hand.

- Kendrick Baldwin - 03-17-2014 07:12 PM

Look just tell him that you're not interested in being,in a relationship with him. Tell him you love your gf and you're not ending things with her. Say a real friend wouldn't put this kind of pressure on a friend and he needs to accept the fact that you are not gay. You should seriously take him to counseling

- Siobhan - 03-17-2014 07:18 PM

This guy seems like he needs severe psychological help. You know if you're straight or gay, so if you know you are straight, you can't go and dump your girlfriend and go off with this guy, because any relationship you had would be unemotional and quite frankly idiotic, as he would get more upset if you were actually a relationship and you weren't into him.

Look this kid is messy. You need to be straight with him (no pun intended) (oh god that was horrible I'm sorry) and tell him you are not in love with him, and you are with your girlfriend. Tell him you are sorry, but you can't mess up your own life for him. It is very unlikely he will commit suicide about it, however if he did, it wouldn't be because of you. You need to tell him no. He will be upset and angry, you might not talk to him for a few weeks, but eventually he will get his shit together and apologise.

Also, if you can get proof, texts, Facebook messages, etc together, and show his parents, you have proof. Xx