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Liberals and Conservatives and everyone else, what do you think the intelligence level is of these people...? - Printable Version

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Liberals and Conservatives and everyone else, what do you think the intelligence level is of these people...? - kobra - 03-17-2014 09:38 PM

Lawrence posted this on Facebook: "Not liking Obama and having paranoid delusions about him are two different things. What I mean by that is this: when you constantly say ridiculous things like "Obama is a communist!" or "Obama is leading us to communism," you start to LOSE credibility and people will start to not take you seriously. Just keep that in mind. Also keep in mind that I didn't even vote for Obama either time he ran. So when I say this, I'm not defending the president, I'm defending SANITY. Just sayin."

Then, Sara commented: "well, maybe I'll take that risk...he IS leading us toward communism ...and a lot of people were not concerned about Hitler in the beginning, btw. Just keep your eyes open."

Lawrence commented back: "Do you have any proof for that that you'd like to show me? If so, I'll look at it, but if not, then I'm inclined to stand by what I said in the original post."

Sara: "If you're not blind, it's obvious."

Lawrence: "Show me one source that gives credence to what you are saying. If its so obvious then that shouldn't be a problem. If we're going by what Obama does, and not off of what people say about him or even what he says, then much like his predecessors he is a corporatist. It is bad, but it's nothing new."

Sara: "How about practically bankrupting America? How about forced healthcare (no choice to opt out)? How about taking away rights to privacy? Lots more, but I will not debate you. Read my wall if you want details."

Lawrence: "None of those things you mentioned are new, or proof that Obama is a 'communist.' Obamacare is a corporatist law. But the other 2? Those are hardly unique to Obama. Republicans 'bankrupt America' at pretty much the same rate as Democrats do, and they're no friend of privacy rights either. Bush gave us the patriot act, remember. But like I said, I'm open to any link, site, source etc that you link me to."

Sara: "billions vs. trillions."

Lawrence: "That's still not proof that he is a 'communist.' But ok, I asked you to provide backup for that claim, and you didn't do it. Oh well."
Mr. Pottimus - ok, so which one is the "fool"?

- Charlie - 03-17-2014 09:54 PM


- evilwax - 03-17-2014 09:54 PM

Obama is a crony capitalist that gives welfare to buy votes. I think that pretty much sums it up. He's just another deceptive politician. I go by what Obama does.

- Mr Pottimus - 03-17-2014 10:10 PM

"Wise men never argue with fools, because people from a distance may not be able to tell who is the fool.

- 272 - 03-17-2014 10:21 PM

Facebook is filled with craziness.
Let the crazies be crazy and the rest move forward.

- 756 - 03-17-2014 10:35 PM

Lawrence is the blind fool. Anyone who's studied Lenin knows Lenin would approve of the last few decades of Leftist dominance in both parties. Lenin would also approve even more of Obama's tactics. Although---Lenin's ego was more realistic. He'd denounce Obama anyway. For being "elitist and corrupt". Or, simply erase Obama. As he himself took over from such a willingly useful scoundrel like Obama.,After Obama has laid the ground for him.

Which makes me wonder who IS actually behind Obama?

Lenin had no desire nor need for the trappings of wealth and office.

Lenin knew inflation and taxation are the primary weapons to wipe out the middle class.

- Antonio 13 - 03-17-2014 10:42 PM

Both sides are fools in the fools hall of fame.

- Kristine Sixteen - 03-17-2014 10:47 PM

Decide for yourself;

1.Obamasfather wrote about Socialism that advocates 100% taxation of rich communal ownership of land & forced confiscation of privately controlled land.
2.O's. Mother was a known Communist
sympathizer.." The values she taught me continue to be my touchstone when it comes to how I go about in the world of Politics" - Obamas own words.
3. O's teen mentor was Frank Marshall Davis, a member of CPUSA.
And, of course,Obama attended Socialist Conferences at Cooper union.He lso had a close relationship with ACORN.

So, you tell me.

- wyldfyr - 03-17-2014 11:03 PM

Lawrence sounds pretty sensible. Sara sounds like a nut bag who gets her point of view from FOX "news" and has no clue to reality. She has LOST credibility and most people will start to not take her seriously.

- stanley - 03-17-2014 11:17 PM

Whether someone can not prove their assertion does not make the person's assertion wrong, or right. Sometimes an assertion is obvious, but still can't be proven. Logical arguments can never find "truth", the logical argument can only test if the assertion makes a valid argument based on form. Debating is a skill, like a game. A better debater does not necessarily provide more proof, only style. So, whether she can back up her claims on this one encounter means nothing. There is no proof that Lawrence would accept anyway.

After all the filthy, vile, and disgusting words from the Democrats against Palin, if I were her husband I would be looking for a hit-man. No decent man of any kind would speak to and against a woman like they did about Palin. Also, about Obama, he's actually more like a Fascist than a Communist. I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I did vote for Carter, and that was one of the stupidest things I ever did.

"Every time I want to become a Republican, they do something greedy. Every time I want to become a Democrat, the do something stupid." ..... Jay Leno

I don't think Obama is a Communist, but he uses Communist methods. He learned well from his tutors. For instance, Communists and Nazis believe in a large centralized government with a nearly uncontrolled leader, a dictator. Obama would not allow Arizona to enforce the Federal immigration laws. Obama overruled the Congress by shunting past the legislative process on Obamacare after it was passed as a law; he has no legal right to modify laws for any reason, that's what Congress is for. Then, there are the so-called "Czars". Where have we heard that word before? Then there is the fact that he has not released his background records. As Commander and Chief of the armed forces, it seems reasonable to me that he should pass the same background inspection that all high ranking officers must in order to handle Classified Top Secret information.

Also, what does Lawrence want for proof? He didn't say. " Republicans 'bankrupt America' at pretty much the same rate as Democrats do" Evidently he didn't see, or doesn't want to see, the amount of money that Obama and the Democrats have spent already. "billions vs trillions" is the truth.

Political arguments in public are not to find truth, but to persuade people with propaganda. The intelligence level has nothing to do with it.